Sandbox Haze

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by copy went 1, May 5, 2009.

  1. copy went 1

    copy went 1 Ancient
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    Hi there, Community!

    I'm here to introduce You to my brand new map called "Haze".

    I took some inspiration from Guardian with Overshields and Active Camo on each base.

    The map is a assymterical map with a rather symmetric cover and weapon lay out.


    Rocket launcher (150 respawn)

    6 Battle Rifles, 4 Carbines, 4 Assault Rifles, Double SMG/Plasma Rifle/Spike Rifle (Spiker).
    2 Brute Shots (60 Respawn)

    2 Power Drains (90 Respawn)

    Bubble Shield (60 respawn)

    2 Snipers (120 respawn)

    Active Camo/Overshields (120 respawn)

    View 1

    View 2.

    Base 1

    Base 2

    Middle (Cross)

    This map only works with Oddball, Slayer, KoTH and CTF. : Halo 3 File Details

    So, enjoy this fast paced map with some buddies and lure them down the cross! =)
    Thanks for listening.
    Have fun! / copy
    #1 copy went 1, May 5, 2009
    Last edited: May 5, 2009
  2. l ABlindGuy l

    l ABlindGuy l Ancient
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    It looks way too small for a 4v4 based games, more of a 1v1, or 2v2. The cross looks like it needs some work. The rockets seem great, will change the game play drastically, but 2 snipers seem a bit much, especially for such a small map. As well as the power ups, 2 of them seem way too much. And it seems a great deal of spawn killing can happen. I recommend making a V2.
  3. Yyzyyz

    Yyzyyz Ancient
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    Wrong section, if it goes with competitive gametypes, please put in competitive section, it is competitive BTW

    Basically, the blues have won just looking at this map, red has no cover while at the bottom of blue base, they have their own lift to the other base and more cover than red

    sorry but 2/5 try something that is a little more fair

    P.S. It is way too small for 4v4, more like 2v2, oh and too many power weapons for such a small map :(
    #3 Yyzyyz, May 5, 2009
    Last edited: May 5, 2009
  4. copy went 1

    copy went 1 Ancient
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    I have tried 3v3, 2v2,1v1 and FFA and there was no severe spawn killing.

    It worked out better than I thought was possible really.
  5. Prwnd

    Prwnd Ancient
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    The concept of the map is great. I like the positioning of the cover and the fact that you made two asymmetrical bases equal in power. However, some of the forging looks a little bumpy, and could use some interlocking to smooth that over. Also, for the size of the map, there are far too many powerups and power weapons. I recommend one sniper at most, one powerup, and maybe rockets. Otherwise the gameplay gets too convoluted and messy. Other than these points, though, the map is great. 3.5/5 (Fix the powerweapon/powerup issue and that could be a 5)
  6. Icedogd44

    Icedogd44 Ancient
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    i have to say no DL. 1. way to small. If it is meant for 1 v 1 then whoever gets the first kill will win because all they have to do is get up high and wait for the other person to spawn and kill them right away. They person respawning needs a chance to get cover and be able to kill the other person. This map just looks like Spawn kill central.

    It is way too bumpy, go back into forge and clean it up and add more cover and i would take the rockets out, they seem to powerful on a small map like this one.
    #6 Icedogd44, May 5, 2009
    Last edited: May 5, 2009
  7. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
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    The concept you had in mind was good, but the execution of the map didn't come out so good. The red base and blue base are to close together, and red can just shoot the blues from that little perch in the corner. I would suggest putting the bases at the maps extremities and then add more cover, because your map is way to open.
  8. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    wow, this is a small map for 4v4. i think it would be too small small for 2v2 games, top. it looks like base one was badly built, it has those open spaces between blocks. and red base looks like it has an advantage with the higher base. correct me if my eyesight is wrong. also, the overshield is too overpowering. i'm not a fan of more than one type of powerup on a map this small. also, if you take a lesson from guardian, you should know that the overshield always leads to carnage, and the person with the active camo always dies 2 seconds after picking it up. the active camo WILL NOT work, especially because it is in a wide-open space. move the locations of the camo and os.
  9. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    The middle part of the map is mediocre, but the rest of the map really has not much going on. The bases are basically a pad with a tiny amount of cover, especially red base. Blue base is overpowered with more cover, more space, and better overall access to the rest of the map. The powerup spawns don't make much sense, there shouldn't even be two powerups on such a small map, and the floor of the map is very bumpy and has holes. The cross is even crooked, which is not good considering it is one of the main attractions of the map. Spawnkilling will be relentless here, considering there is minimal cover on the bases that have one level and are basically just a raised floor.

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