>_> oh great. Kuroda has an easy 8 kills at most if he gets his dirty hands on them. Assuming Rhorak plays someones team...
Yeah, nice to see a GL, with 4 shots at all times during the entire game it seems. The layout is fine imo, but after practicing on this, the GLs are just ridiculous. There is just too much grenade launching during the entire fight. I think they should have been toned down to at least 1 extra shot per GL with maybe even a higher spawn rate. Sniper is almost useless due to this as well. We shall see how it plays out though, as it is too late to change this.
I think I might have to take back my statement saying it plays great. I played a scrimmage on this yesterday and even though me and my teammate got our asses handed to us, I could still see that the map just did not flow too well. Correct me if I'm wrong, but did there used to be another pathway cutting through the middle of the map kind of like camo hall on The Pit? If so, why the hell was it taken out, and if not, why the hell was it never there? Having essentially two ways across the map save the teleporters just doesn't work. Which sort of brings me to my next point. There is almost no reason to leave the orange side of the map. Orange presents to you the Rocket Launcher, the easiest part of the map to hold, and two grenade launchers just a few steps away. The only incentive to leave is to grab the sniper and that is not enough. The teleporters only send you to a spot really far away from the orange platform, with no good way to approach it without getting your face ripped open. When I tested it a while ago, I remember it playing a lot better than it did yesterday.
It's because you tried to play it exactly the same as you used to play it on the earlier version which doesn't work. I've been laughing that everyone's holding sword room the whole time when you should hold Sniper spawn. There's 2 medkits, a Sniper Rifle, and the ability to flank opponents in a second while still being able to put pressure on all sides of sword. The grenade launcher is also made useless in that area unless you can break through into the sniper spawn and get an open shot at your opponents. I have a game in my fileshare of holding Sniper spawn for the duration of the match. It's what me and my team mate did through both games and won 25-6 and 25-8. Edit: oh and if you do this from the start, you have sprint as well, so you can escape from most difficult situations.
stevo, you didnt mention that those matches you played were 2v1... on topic. OMG THERE IS A SWORD TOO, **** man
Ah man, I am not looking forward to my match tomorrow. I have to keep the grenade launchers from Kuroda and the sniper from Rho. Since we only have two men, I'm going into our match very doubtful. It seems like this map plays more like rolling a dice than it plays like a competitive map. It's mainly the weapon choices that I am worried about: non-precision power weapons (with the exception of the sniper) on a map that's not very open. Needless to say, no matter who wins tomorrow in my match, I don't think it will be a fair representation of either team's skill.
My thoughts exactly, and lets not forget the terrible spawns. If I kill someone on one side of top orange they should not spawn on the opposite side of top orange. This map should have been tested more thoroughly before it was included in the tourny.
Rockets, I'd agree, but the grenade launcher is a fairly skill-oriented weapon. However, there are simply far too many of them. And Stevo, I understand that you built the map, but wtf? A grenade launcher can go around corners, AKA, I can rip apart your teleporter rooms with a couple shots. Not to mention rockets, which are pretty damned effective against people hiding in enclosed spaces. Sure, you can teleport, but the moment you do, I'll just block it off while my teammate shoots a rocket into the opposite room. Really, there's no reason to go for sniper unless you spawn there. Period.
Yeah, we tried holding the rooms with the windows by Sniper, but that leaves you trapped. Anytime you show your face a grenade is launched right at you leaving you one shot. Its so easy to flanked from middle and through the tele room. And someone said something about a path through middle, that would have been nice. The last version I tested had a path on the outsides of the tele rooms, sort of like the pit. So I dont know what happened towards the end but I hadnt seen this one in the testing phases. There is no sword, I think he was refering top Orange, as that where the sword spawns when comparing this map to the pit.