This is my entry for SOTW.. Some CNC on which on looks better would be nice.. The only difference is the text. Any other CNC would be nice to. No Text Text Full Opacity Text Low Opacity Another Font New Version New Version With Text
I like the second one the best. In my opinion, it's too bland without the text. And I don't like the low-opacity text, it doesn't look so great.
No text is obviously better. As for the sig itself, I like the idea of blurring the band members and that you probably sharpened Hayley a little bit to separate them in an interesting way. Personally, I wouldn't pick green. Maybe I am saying that because there are no C4D's and the background is very bland. Otherwise, good sig. But add more effects on the bg.
^Quote from him to me^ My reply: Pick some C4D's that go with the flow. But since you don't have flow, and since your render is in the middle, I suggest picking something that goes diagonally left and right. Somewhat like an upside down triangle without the base type of shape. After putting them on, experiment with the blending options until you are satisfied. You may erase some parts of the C4D that go over the render. Of course, you can color the C4D to blend with the bg too. Hope this helped! =) BTW, the text in your new version looks better, but still not really good enough for my standards...keep experimenting if you want.
I prefer #3 which I think is the original w/ low opacity text. The BG is fine and the flow is not good on the newer versions. It's good fro what it is. Nice lighting.
+1 because she's hot. Yeah, I agree with the green comment. I think a different colour, possibly one that blends with her hair, would be a better choice. As far as the current ones go, I like 3 best. The effects are very nicely blended, and add more to the background. The text on #4 does look nice, but my personal preferance just says without is better.