Sandbox Havoc

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by MasterMoneyMike, Jul 1, 2010.

  1. MasterMoneyMike

    MasterMoneyMike Ancient
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    Designed and forged by:

    About the Map

    The thought of the Havoc concept actually came to me towards the beginning of the year (2010), when I was introduced to Sandbox on Google SketchUp. I began to work on some concept ideas after my previous map Elusive and then began on my very first Sandbox map, Havoc. It started out with laying some objects on the map to get a good feel on what I was thinking, and then put it all on SketchUp. This took about a week. Then applying the main structure from the concept to forge took about two weeks and that’s when I started to realize how unique the map is. Then after some issues with my xbox, my map remained untouched for several months. It wasn’t till last week that I began working on Havoc once again, day and night till now. Also with some very special help from Sethiroth for helping with the budget and designing the ramps at rocket spawn. And Fritzster for being there from the beginning, helping publish Havoc, and creating Havoc’s Map Preview. Overall Havoc is an amazing map and it is by far my most creative and worked on map.

    Havoc plays all MLG gametypes, but Team Slayer and King of the Hill are the recommended. There are three hill locations, bottom sniper, between rocket and blue base, and between rocket and red base. When playing low on the map you always need to stay on your toes, because you never know what could happen next. Also the sniper tower can be a very powerful position, but you have to watch for the classic slide jump up to top sniper. Even though King of the Hill and Team Slayer play the best, 5 Flag also plays very well itself. The flag can be carried through many different routes with allow several different strategies to be played. After all the time, Havoc has been a great learning experience for me, and I look to progress in the future of map making.

    Map Preview

    Map Concept


    Havoc Pics





    Supported Gametypes:
    • MLG TS*
    • MLG King*
    • MLG CTF 5 Flag
    • MLG Oddball
    • MLG FFA
    Weapons on Map:
    • Brs x 6
    • Carbine x 1
    • Sniper x 1
    • Rockets x 1
    • Custom Powerup x 1
    • Plasma Grenades x 2
    Thanks all testers out there who helped me. And once again special thanks to Fritzster and Sethiroth (Seth Loves Dita) for all the helping complete this one of a kind map.


  2. Fritzster

    Fritzster Silly Goose
    Senior Member

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    Very nice map Mike thanks for making it and one of your first maps too. I can't wait for your next amazing creations!
  3. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    This map looks incredible, and it's one of the coolest MLG maps that I've seen since Halycon. :p the irony that Fritzer has had a hand in almost every one of my favorite mlg maps! Anyway, I'm very impressed, I see amazing things in the future for you.
  4. Sethiroth87

    Sethiroth87 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey this is a pretty cool guy right here. But seriously this map is a really good one and everyone should download it right now. Thanks for the shout out even when i told you not to :)
  5. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    Damn, nice map dude, this is probably one of the best i have seen since...well yea we just are not going to mention any map names.

    But its amazing. good job, ill give it a DL and try to get customs on it later.
  6. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Ah one last thing for you; next time try to avoid taking your pictures in forge, because it looks a little sloppy and all of the blue lines from the sandbox grid as well as the teardrops can be an eyesore when trying to see the actual map in those pictures. Just a suggestion :p
  7. MasterMoneyMike

    MasterMoneyMike Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Everyone

    Once again thanks to Fritzser and Seth, i couldnt of done it without out you.
    Also thanks for the positive feedback, i'lll keep in touch, and deffinately keep forging :)
    Oh, and dont forget to watch the Preview, Props to Fritzster.
  8. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    After playing the map a couplr of times, this is what I think.

    - The map was forged beautifully, I could not find one bump or anything wrong on the merging.
    - The map has a very unique design which is what I like to see in maps.
    - Gamplay flow is similar to construct in a sense that combat take places on all levels and people can move quickly through the levels of the map.
    - Lastly, spawns were perfectly set up. I always had a good spawn and was ready to get back into action from a good spot.
  9. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    Not being much of a MLG player, I cannot lend to how well played this looks for a MLG standpoint. But as for a competitive game of BRs, this looks incredible. I love the SketchUp plan and how you adapted it to fit your needs and wants. Very nice work.

    This is an intense-looking map, and for your first map, this is mighty fine work (Kinda redundant, lol.) My only problem is the pics. They are taken in Forge, and this lends to bad photography because of the random blue lines on the ground. Try to take your pictures after a Custom Game to help improve the quality. As for everything else, you did a damn good job.

    EDIT: Wow, this map is even more fun than what it looks like in the pictures. Very nice work. Keep it up.
    #9 SVD Zero, Jul 1, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2010

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