Havoc Hotel v1 I've had this map for a while now and just haven't posted it. The dominating feature of this map is the large building in the center with access by the two bases and on the opposite side. On the upper story of the building there is a ledge jutting out which has the sniper rifle sitting on top, this is my favorite architectural feature. Im a fan of vehicles but I didn't want to over-do it so I've placed a warthog w/machine turret close to one base and a warthog w/lazer turret within walking distance of the other base. I wanted to allow two main things in this map... One I wanted to have a struture that would make for competitive, fast-paced acton on foot and two I wanted to give vehicles enough room to be worth using in action... Enjoy. I made this map with Slayer/Team Slayer in mind as the game type. Some of the Weapons/Equipment: Rocket Launcher Battle Rifles Sniper Rifle Shotgun Energy Sword(hidden... its a secret sssshhhhh...) Frag Grenades Energy Drain and a few more... Here's the link to my Bungie.net post of the map: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=19357731&viewreplies=true Here are some pics: HH1: Sniper Rifle spawnpoint/Front of Havoc Hotel main structure. HH2: Looking toward Base 2. HH3: Inside Havoc Hotel main structure. HH4: Looking out from base 1. HH5: Looking out from base 2
I had pictures posted but they dissappeared... Im not sure why its saying "screenshot not found" I'll edit it again to get the pictures to stay... for now you can still see the pics by going to my Bungie.net post... Im very sorry for this inconvienience... Heres the link to the Bungie.net post: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=28906502
Anyone downloading my map plz leave feedback, I can't make it better until I know whats wrong with it. Thank You.