Well, this has been a problem for me, and I don't know how to fix it. It started about a week ago. I did it in my twotowers map, but now it doesnt work for me. When I try to merge a box into the floor, it has a spasm, then slowly melts into the ground, disappearing forever, although the oracle shows I'm holding it. I looked through the tutorial, and I'm supposedly doing eveything right. I'm not able to finish two of my maps, and I don't know why I'm having this problem now. Anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? If I am doing something wrong, please come into my map and fix it for me. by sending me a friend request or a PM. More info: I'm using a single box to push down another single box. Here's a pic of what I'm trying to do in text, as I can't take a picture. ._____ | ......| <--Single Box |____.| [_____] <--Single box halfway into the ground
Are you saving and quitting? Or just letting go when the floating box spawns. Because a lot of people forgot to save and quit, and have the same problem.
yeah the door method works alot better send me a fr on xbox live and i can help you out with them PS send me a message that you are from fh and not some random stalker i get those for some reason.
its when you use doors and teleporters to move a box into the ground you surround a box with sender nodes then put doors on top of it you then press a on the box after the doors have settled and presto a merged box (you can do this as much as you need to)
Thanks man, this really helped, big time. Now, I can finish my Iceworld Bunkers. I gave you +rep as well.