Hi im trying to make a andross map where you have 4 points you have to blow up on half a body kinda like the boss battle in starfox and when you blow them up it will end up distroying the parts you blow up. im just wondering is there a way to have multiple bomb points running at the same time.
I had to fight with this problem in my latest map. You can run multiple bomb points, but they aren't in any sequence, and each one can be bombed infinitely. The way I dealt with the problem was elevating each bomb point, and then making the scenery that led up to it set on ever respawn. When the bomb asploded, the scenery was knocked out of the way, meaning you couldn't rebomb the point.
yeah! it makes a crazy explosion... thats why if you don't get out of the way then your toast. When the bomb detonates, its basically like a really powerful grenade going off.
And if you combine the blast with a few choice well placed HIDDEN fusion coils, explosion is enormous.
For your Andross mech thingermajigger, plant some fusion coils on forklift legs and a bomb spot, plant it, KABLAMMO! Big 'splosion, no more legs.