Honestly, discussion is great and all, but expecting 343 to add it to the game because one of the interns saw it on a forum is ridiculous. Have there been any features that can be explicitly attributed to Forge Hub in past games?
Hoo boy. Do you have any evidence that anyone here "expects" 343 to add anything to the game? You're arguing against a strawman. Basically everyone here is just discussing and hoping; no one "expects" anything. As for them adding things into the game that came directly from here (and nowhere else), probably not. But they do listen to general feedback and when enough people ask for certain features, they may get added. One thing is for sure - NOT discussing it gets us absolutely nowhere. Final thought: the conflict between your post and your signature is hilarious.
No. Not as far as I now at least. Especially "in the past games" .. Halo Reach is the only one? I don't really think this thread is going anywhere, you could have asked that in the lolbox. Message me if/why you disagree