Obviously you clicked here because you have a suggestion for forge. Well, just wanted to assure you that anything you post here won't even be glanced at by any Bungie staff (unless someone wants to prove me wrong). How do you think forge could be improved? I think that Forge would be better if you could turn gravity on or off by pressing "X" on an object. When gravity is off, it floats.
You see, I would love forge to be easier but when I am finished with maps, I always have that extra sense of pride of going above and beyond through geomerging and interlocking. Isn't ghost merging enough haha??? I just think the difficulty of some forging concepts sepereates the good from the bad and the great from the good. You know?
I've always wanted an unlimited budget (no glitch), unlimited items (no glitch), and a way to completely change the scenery. Of course that stuff will never happen.
No. The difficulty in construction creates an artificial accomplishment and should be eliminated at every opportunity. If Bungie is smart and generous they will build ghost merging into Reach's forge from the very beginning, along with other relatively simple improvements that forgers have asked for to make construction easier. Real accomplishment in forging is through design, not through many hours of frustrating tasks performed.
Yet, what's the fun of making a map if its really just Bungie making it for you. I know you'll respond by saying the design is the most important aspect, and I don't disagree with that. However, I still enjoy making the maps the "hard way" but I guess it would be nice to finish them quicker.
If you enjoy doing tedious and unnecessarily difficult tasks, you are very much in the minority, I can guarantee you that. The more barriers Bungie removes from creation of a map, the better the maps we build will become, that is undeniable. Its just like any other art in that respect. If paint brushes weighed 30 pounds it would certainly make painting harder, just like old geomerging made forging harder, but the final products would inevitably suffer.
more colored objects ability to change textures on objects a system where you only have limits on laggy items, everything else is fair game as long as it stays in OLN change properties on vehicles
Haha quoted. Anyway, I hope not much changes except textures and colors. Things of that nature would help me with my aesthetics and style of the map.
It it possible to have an undo button? That is all I have ever asked for. Put that object backkkkkk........Or can I look at that again... Sigh That is the only true thing I needed on Forge side of things.
something that I would like was an option to group objects together and move them as one. Although as a whole I wouldn't want forge changed in any major way because in my view it is a good balance between a map editor and a map creator.
1 - Undo/Redo 2 - Ghost Merging/NoClip 3 - Weld/Glue Tool 4 - Different object texture options. 5 - Weather Filters (Rain, Snow, Sandstorm, Fog ETC.) 6 - Stackable primary color filters. 7 - Filters don't affect player colors. 8 - Some sort of city multiplayer map. 9 - Changeable time of day.
I like the Weather Filters option, but wouldn't that add some lag? I think there should be a much wider variety of lights, I'm tired of the red/blue/purple.
I think adding a yellow light would be nice. And make it so that when you use two lights close together you get the color it would actually produce. Same with merging powerups. I.E. Red light +Blue light = purple. (Not pink) And CPU + Camo = Green
no clip, a second custom power up (green, orange, or purple), undo, selecting multiple objects, snap to 90 degree function (turn on/off), more when I remember my old list..
1)Undo/redo 2) 90 degree locking 3) Lock objects together ( for straight walls/floors ) 4) No clip from the start 5) Weather 6) Paint tool 7) Day or Night Tool