Welcome to the haunted mansion.Also beware of the dead. HALO 3 : FILE SHARE The house contains 3 storys.the bottom,middle,and the top.The house has a view of the cementary.It also contains hidden weapons and secert passage ways.it also have a special weapon on the map and a warthog. overview of huanted house. the cementary. 2nd story. the basement This map has some interlocking.But I did use the unlimited money giltch.Also look carefully in the basement.
Not bad, this mansion is pretty good. However, it takes up a very small area of foundry especially since you used the infinite money glitch. The idea is very unoriginal, even the graves are unoriginal. 3/5 for now.
lol i canhaz copy everything? OR>>> interloxorz.. .000098/10^8 (* means to the ---- power ) Edit: what i meant to say is that you need a bit more interlocking and maybe add more aesthetics to the outside, inside and the rest of the map.
house is pretty well made, but the outside needs some work, ide say put more cover, maybe a shed or somthing? PS hasnt this map been finished for more than a month now?
No, this is not the one from a month ago this is a differnet style then the other one becauses the other one had teleporters leading to the block area
I have to agree with him.If there is only one enterance its probably going to get a little one-sided.I say you make a side window were they can break into just to make gameplay smoother and make each side even.For the house,pretty nice job,I'm not too great with making houses.
this is good i like how you did the grave stones, ive never seen anything like it. Also the mansion is good especially the doors, its been a while since ive seen a map like this 4/5
The house seems a bit small imo, but i see some nice ideas and well forged spots. The grave yard look interesting. I see coils under the pallets where some respawns are siting. Nice job!
I have seen this map before , If I find that this is a stolen map this thread will be reported and closed accordinling. Please dont steal maps you only make yourself look bad. Also why steal a mansion map besides thefact that there are millions of them?