Map Name: Haunted Mansion Recommended Gametype: Reapers Recommended number of players: 6-16 This is a cool map that takes place on the inside of Forge World. It is a 2 storey Mansion that the Humans are trapped in. There are 4 entrances in which the zombies may enter. 2 on the first floor, 1 on the second floor, and 1 on the roof. The zombies have camo equipment so they may become invisible for a short time. The Humans start off with magnums but there are weapons scattered all over the mansion. This is my first map on reach so I'd like some constructive criticism if you find any faults. Thanks!
This map actually looks alright... I like the use of the one way doors especially that one on the roof. I do have a qustion though. Is the area the humans are trapped in just one big room or multiple rooms and floors. Also I reckon it would really benefit from some dark light effects. Other than that good map and I'll certainly give it a dl when i actually get Reach. i've played the game and did alot of forging with a friend though and by my knowledge it's pretty good.
Not exciting This game type with map is not exciting. It was too repetitive. The zombies would walk in, and either get killed quick or kill quick. I don't see the point of zombies being spawned in a separate building since there are one way doors. Most infection maps that I and other people play aim to be more exciting than the matchmaking versions like safe havens but in this case I would rather play online. Also, the roof shield door sticks through the roof to the inside which could have been fixed easily.
Alright shuffaluffadingdong what should I change to make it better? I value your opinion and would like to improve my game. BTW the stuff outside the base is scenery. It would be lame if it was just a barren waste land.
Yea, i think that you should make the 2nd story in too more rooms and not just one big room. then it would be very good