Sandbox Haunted Manor (My house remake)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Truegamaz101, Jun 15, 2009.

  1. Truegamaz101

    Truegamaz101 Ancient
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    Haunted Manor
    Created by Truegamaz101

    Supported Gametypes:
    Last Stand

    Map Idea
    It's been a while since i made a map. If you remember i made a map on foundry called "bunker hill." well that was the last map i made and it was about the beginning of this year that i released it. Now this was a map i've been working on and it's a remake of my house. Yea, my house is BIG. I tested the map with the gametype and it seems flawless. hope you like it...

    Map Description
    The humans will start outside the manor (mansion) and make their way into it. Their are many ways for the zombies to get inside the house. Zombies will start to attack when 45 seconds into the round starts. Humans for the meantime will have to gather weapons and get into positions because like i said, their about 6 ways to get into the house. Most of the weapons are inside the house and they have a 10 sec spawn time.

    Most of the humans will have this view when the game begins. Make your way to the mansion as quickly as possible!

    The manors left side roof toppled making it vulnerable for attack. Someone get on that turret...

    A 3 door garage visible with a warthog in it. Also a entrance to the manor (or house). Drive it and mow down the infected if you dare.

    Visible is the family room and the main entrance. Also you can see a pallet blocking the main entrance door. Someone will always have to be guarding that door because itz easy access for the zombies.

    The living room and the fireplace. This is an actual remake of my livingroom.

    The roof

    2nd floor

    ps. sorry, i forgot about the 1st floor.

    Download Haunted Manor

    Download Last Stand (Gametype)
  2. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    wow this looks pretty fun i am having some infection game tonight so i'll dl and try it out it looks really good you have a nice house. I once tried to make a re-make of my house but my house is on a hill and would be hard to make but any way great job 5/5.
  3. Powerslave

    Powerslave Ancient
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    you could tell us where the zombies spawn. outside the map?
    are there weapons on this map?

    other than that the map look good.
    didnt get a chance to play it yet, but trust me, i will.
  4. Mini Waz

    Mini Waz Ancient
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    I wasn't expecting this to look very good when i clicked on it but you have supprised me. I really like the look of this map from the screenshots and i'll definately give it a download.

    The things i would change are:

    - The map name as it has the same name as the original.

    - Add some cover outside of the house so that the humans are less likely to camp in the open.

    - I'm not sure if you have this but i would certainly put zombie spawn points surrounding the house from all sides so that the humans don't know whwere they are going to come from.

    Other than that, you have a very nice looking map : )
  5. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
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    is it just me or is this thread exactly the same as this one which you posted only a few days ago, just under casual instead of aesthetic? I always thought that it was frowned upon to post the same map twice under different categories, unless some changes have been made (ie a V2).

    Anyway, onto the actual map. It looks absolutely brilliant! By far one of the first manor maps I've seen. I especially like the fireplace XD One problem with this map for gameplay (this is referring to your casual post, I know that aesthetic map's don't need gameplay) though would be the warthog. Especially since there's quite a bit of empty space around the manor I think that people would just drive around the edges of the map mowing down zombies really easily, making it unfair for the infected. I don't know if this is the case though so I'll give it a DL and play it once Live's back up.

    P.S. Your house must be HUGE
  6. Killsbury3

    Killsbury3 Ancient
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    This map is incredible. I know you said you forgot about the first floor, but could you put a pic in? just throwing that out there. Add a little cover on the rest of the map, and this should be featured. 5/5.
  7. r3drum66

    r3drum66 Ancient
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    this is pretty cool

    this is pretty awesome, the inside reminds me of a ivory tower concept, but better looking. 4.8/5
  8. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Pretty good, the idea has been used way too many times but this is one of the better ones that I have seen. The outside of the map looks aestheticly pleasing and so does the inside. Forging looks quite neat, good job.
  9. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Looks great.
    Pretty smooth, good job on actually making it look like a house inside and out.
    That living room looks awesome. Doesnt seem like there would be much cover for zombies in an infection map, that might be a problem but still good for an aesthetic map, nice job.
    #9 Plan B, Jun 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2009
  10. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
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    People its an aesthetic map. it looks awesome and it looks like you put some real effort into this map. My only small complaint that isnt even really one is that the title for the map has been used but just once or twice...

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