You're welcome and thank you too. However, I won't be making any further versions of this map. Not on Halo 3 anyway. I don't really see the point in forging a map on halo 3 when halo reach is going to be out in less than two months and there will be so many more tools and options for me to make a new haunted house with.
I updated the map I made a couple changes to the map. If you want the updated map, check out the first post and click the link to download. 0:40 - There was a problem with the regenerator respawing. This is no longer a problem, making the shortcut easier. 0:44 - There was already a cover there, it just hadn't respawned yet. I went back into forge after the video and set respawn beginning yes. 3:20 - The fusion coils that you would always hear exploding after you punched the grav lift coil were moved to the top so the explosions wouldn't be so annoying. I also made it so that the coils would blow up faster and respawn faster so the sequence is a bit shorter but there is still a noticeable wait time. 3:41 - I gave more room for the block so the the passage is passable after the trap has been set off. 3:41(updated) - It was still possible to get stuck even with the extra room so I changed the small block to a damaged column. Now after the trap is set off, all you have to do is jump over it a it'll work every time. 3:46 - The green dot in the wall above his gun is the teleporter that takes you to the top. I thought it was too easy for people to accidentally run into it without first realizing that the pallet wall is a trap and they need to look somewhere else. The teleporter is now in the ceiling. It's still possible to see the green dot if you're looking at the right angle. The pallet trap has also been changed up a bit. Now if you break the pallet, you'll have the choice of dropping down a tube corner. If you drop down, you will have no other option but to kill yourself with a grenade of your choice. I thought this was better because then people would be forced to kill themselves rather than have to look around for an excape then jump into a teleporter that they think is the escape then die. This way, people will know that it's a trap and they'll be more encouraged to look somewhere else. 4:20 - The ramps in the shape of UEG were changed to a zig zag pattern. I thought the UEG patter was too easy because all anyone had to do is to jump on the right ramps. It's also more beneficial to my bud jet to just have 4 ramps instead of 11. 4:30 - There was a problem with the turrets respawning after all 3 were detached. Now if all 3 are detached or if a turret is grabbed under 180 seconds, the turret will switch locations like it's supposed to. 6:35 - The ball was a bit to difficult to grab onto, even with two people. I've now made it possible to grab it on your own (semi-easily) or to grab it with two people (quite easy).
Glad the oddball was fixed so i can grab it, that was the only thing i couldnt solve and i like the new change
Seems like a fun map, I love these types of maps, I'm defiantly downloading this map. looks like a ton of fun. looks to take some things from other similar maps, but at the same time you put your own twist on it, great job.