Sup! This here is my third iteration of a zombie map I made a while back. It started on Foundry, was remade on Sandbox, and now it's floating in the sky above Forge World. Version 3 is bigger and better. This house is 4 stories. From bottom to top: basement, 1st level, 2nd level, and then the roof. This place is actually quite roomy inside, so be sure to play with a lot of people. Also, because it's so big, you might want to give the zombies some speed, but try not to kill yourself by evading straight into a wall. There is no set gametype, so feel free to experiment with it. Anyway, have at it! View from the side View from the front The Atrium 2nd Level The Basement View from the top By the way, I put some weapons around the map if you feel like trying out for slayer. Have fun!