Does anyone remember in halo 3 where you had to go through a maze to get to the assault BOMB and blow your self up? Some where very tricky and clever. I was wondering if anyone has made a new one or is planning too? Or even remembers? Thanks guys. That's where puzzle maps reside in the Maps section. You won't find much for Halo 5 though yet.
If you still have Halo 3 and a partner who also enjoys puzzle maps you should download my old puzzle map and see if you can crack it. It's a two player cooperative puzzle
Hey, I made a maze map with a few puzzle elements you might be interested in: Also, I'm currently working on another puzzle map with tons of scripting, I'll let you know when i'm done, it should be pretty cool.
I cant remember its name but i played a puzzle map yesterday. actually made you think. With scripting all is possible.