HARVEST Created by Leroy Jenklns Supported Gametypes: CTF AND SLAYER Map Description ATTACKERS SPAWN ON A HILL AND THE DEFENDERS SPAWN IN A BASE. HARVEST IS BASED ON THE TRAINING EXERCISE IN CHAPTER 13 IN THE BOOK CONTACT HARVEST. Weapons on map: BR-4 SMG-2 Magnum-4 Turret-1 Shotgun-1 Sniper rifle-1 Rocket launcher-1 Equipment on map: Frag grenade-8 Plasma grenade-8 Firebomb grenade-8 Bubble shield-2 Trip mine-1 Regenerator-1 Vehicles on map: Mongoose-1 _________________________________________________ Screenshots THE HILL THE GATE THE BASE INSIDE THE BASE THE SNPER AND MONGOOSE THE SHOTGUN THE ROCKET LAUNCHER ACTION SHOTS KA-BOOM BLUE TEAM WINS!!! _________________________________________________ ~Special thanks to I ArchAngel I for testing.~ Download HARVEST Download JOTUN
This has to be the worst map I've ever seen! Na, I'm just kidding, just wanted to get your heart racin. This looks good I like the hill in the middle I can see alot of time where I might be poking my head over just to get the shot and then duckng back down. My only problem is that you didnt interlock at all wich can make it bumpy, but this is a good map for the lazy map makers contest.
love this map!!!!!!! nice gameplay too. i didn't see that much interlocking at all, but still, this is one of the better maps. 4/5
this looks really nice. that hill with the bridges and walls is epic! great job and welcome to forgehub!
Wow! This is a great first post. Thankyou for making it up to standards by the way. I think the thing that really stands out about this map is the fact that the floor is a hill. It looks really nice. The only thing I could suggest is to interlock those boxes that the base is made up together. It stops grenades from getting stuck in them, and making your character bounce when you walk over them.
Awesome map, you inspired me making one. Your Forging is really well, and placement too, I'd like to see more Interlocking in your maps, then it would be perfect. Gotta love the Rocket Launcher spawn.
Welcome to Forgehub! The map looks nice. i don' see much interlocking, which would definitely help the bases with the double boxes. it isnt necessary, but it always helps. i would also recommend more cover in the middle area. it looks inescapable, which is good. Overall, Great first post!
heyy looks great but at the top of the hill were the boxes are in pic #2 neer the window panel are little indents bettween them so if you could interlock it that would make it run alot more smootter but on a good note the was exacuted greatlyand its an old idea but its worth a look
man this looked awesome as soon as i saw the first pic, but like every1 is sayin, interlockin is a big part here in maps here at FH, also in ur description i think u should add the gametype descriptions(i.e. what u changed from regular TS or regular CTF) i dl'ed but i think u should make a v2 that works with more asymetrical gametypes, some interlocks, maybe more weapons, and maybe more forging 101 techniques, but other than that it looks great
this is a great map even if there is no interlocking, i never see a good map with no interlocking! 4/5
first off, like the rocket launcher placement thats cool second, not a fan of the turret placement because turrets=camping third, if there is no interlocking, consider entering it in the lazy map makers contest because this is very clean
cool nice map and post you might want to put a better description of the map like how you made and what makes this map so fun to play on. some things you might want to change are the interlocking of the ground and to put more cover in the middle since its sorta blank there grats on a successful first post and i also like that exploding truck. i wouldnt go for the rockets.... Also Welcome To ForgeHub. also like that gate wall with the truck sorta going through it . its looks real cool good job very original name aswell.
Nice Map I love when people (like you) make something that resembles something in real life because it makes me feel like I could actually go there. 5/5 Neat & Clean.
This map is aesthetically pleasing im not sure about game play though. Its a good map ,but if there was more cover than i would download it.
excellent first post, and excellent map. i really like the weapons, because you don't see things like fire grenades so often
Neat-o map! I like the whole 'storm the base' bit and having the attackers spawn on a hill totally pulls it off. The hill is well constructed and so is the base but at the same time, there's nothing really epic here that makes me say wow this is perfect. Its really a good map with a bunch of good things in it. I say 9.2/10 and a 5 star rating from me. It's a really good map so great job.