Hey guys this is my latest map. It is an assymetrical map in the skybox made for 1v1 2v2. There is still alot of z fighting and things to fix and there are a few things not in place yet. I thought i would post it any way to get some feedback. Please leave comments and feedback. Here is a very Sloppy paint drawing of what it looks like. The numbers represent the area of each picture. Sorry if it is just more confusing. Picture 2 is up the ramp. Picture 3 is by the walkway. Picture 6 is throught the window. Picture 3 is down the ramp behind the camera. The ramp leads to picture 2. The walkway to picture 1 The ramp leads to picture 5. The walkway leads to picture 6 and picture 3 Window looks over picture 6. Ramp to left leads to picture 1. Middle. And finally an overview to confuse you even more. If you haven't done a lot of picture switching then the design wont make as much sense. Please leave feedback.
Looks sweet, if you could afford it I would suggest adding some lighting, it is rather dark especially in the grass area. Looking forward to this one.
dude, looks like an epic map to play on. Im actually really quite looking forward to the release of this. On the last picture, the side closest to us i think it would be best if you added railing. cant wait to download this though.
There will be lighting added. Im just finishing up the other stuff first before i add things like that. There will be railing there. Im planning on it. I just haven't worked on it yet. Thanks for the feedback!
Nedz moar ocd. Seriously, I really like the design that have so far. I already expressed all of my concerns about the map to you, so hopefully everything will turn out well. I want to try to play a few games on this before school starts.
Lol HeCtic. Nice drawing... It's got a very unique layout, I've gotta say. It looks real fun to play on. Like it's already been said before, it kind of reminds me of Crown of Flies, but that's just because I've been mostly playing on that sky bubble map recently. Make sure the grass isn't flashy, and that you make it unbreakable. That's where most sky bubble maps fall... Hehehe... Some railings, spawns, weapons, and I'll make sure to look out for it when you post the final map! I'd ask you to post updated pictures of the map as you progress, but we wouldn't exactly see much of a difference, right?
Yep. There is NO z fighting in the grass area...Awesome. @cerberus. I have school tommorow and i can't play during school weeks. So probably not. Sorry. On the weekends ill get some serious work done fo sho thought. Thanks ffor the feedback.
I totally cant wait to download this. The grass area looks pretty sweet and the general layout with all of its ups and downs looks like an epic win four skybubble. Hurry up and finish it so we can all have fun!
Needz moar railings. Seriously though, there are some places where you definitely need railings, specifically, the bottom left of the first picture, the bottom of the fourth picture, and the bottom right of the last picture. And since when were you making this map? I don't remember you showing me this.
I know ace sheesh. Like i said before it's not done. I'm puttuing railings in all the places u where mentioning. I'd say more but I'm on an iPhone...