yeah majora's mask. I found that game super creepy and i also never made it past the swamp. There was so much wtf in that game. When i saw the moon crash into the place, i nearly shat myself and never played again. As for hard games, i dont play them. too many broken controllers happen as a result.
Anything on atary,Nes and gamegear but the my hardest would be Ninja gaiden the series Devil may cry 3 the japanise version and battletoads.
My hardest game would have to be The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princes. That game was so confusing, I had to use the online game guide for almost every level.
Its definitely not the hardest game, but pulling down the star destroyer in the force unleashed was the most aggravating thing i've ever had to do in a videogame. Literally, you follow the instructions perfectly, and it doesn't work.
That was definitely one of the worst parts of any game. Call of Duty 2 & 4 weren't too bad on Veteran, though. I also recently rented Silent Hill: Homecoming, and Jesus T.F. Christ, even on easy that was an incredibly difficult game. If I could see past 3 feet in front of me, it might not have been so bad though.
The Impossible Quiz. Only ever got up to the question where you had to touch the dots before they disappeared. I was using a laptop touchpad so yeah.
Kingdom Hearts 1. When your 8, use no cheats, that last boss is hard =[ Or any pokemon game. I mean seriously, how hard would it be to collect every pokemon?
cod4 on veteran was easy! except from the television station, had to camp for a while mine is probably Diablo II on hell difficulty WITHOUT being boosted
whenever i get to a difficult place in a game, i lower the difficulty. or stop playing if there arent multiple difficulty levels. i mean hard like ive tried it a few times and just got destroyed. thats not fun for me, and i like to have fun when i play games.
Yes, i agree. Thats one of the main problems with dead rising, only on difficulty, and that game is pretty hard.