It's been a while since I took screenshots, Around 3 months to be exact and today I was bored so I thought I would take a few. I wanted to take pictures that included an objective item, so I took two pictures featuring an oddball. Here they are. Destruction: Hard Times: Also If you guys could, Think of a description for your favorite pictures and vote in the poll for what one you think I should put in my fileshare. Thanks Guys!
Honestly, I think you got the names switched, cuz I feel like the name of the first better suits the second pic, and the second name with the first pic. Both shots are really good, but I just sorta hate your shoulders. Not the actual shoulders in the pic, but that armor piece completely. That's just me, tho. It's about time you started taking more shots man. Good to have you back. EDIT: i forgot. Hard Times should be on ur FS, fosho! FOO! EDIT2: I'm an EXTERMINATOR now! Woot!!
I like Hard Times best. Not sure why, just like it more. I think it should go in your share. About a description, I can barely name a picture. I can't even begin to think of a description for one. Lol.
i definitely think hard times should go on your file share, i think its better close up. and it looks really ominous with the dark background and yeah those security shoulders(?) just completely bug me haha
EOD Shoulders. And yeah, that's the biggest problem with both of the shots. I hate those shoulders with a passion. They're too ... bulky and stick out way too much.
Definitely hard times. The pic has a very high quality look to it. could you do another one like this but with ODST helmet and different shoulders? That would be so cool.
I like Hard Times better because its off center, the background looks better and the lighting is a little bit better in it. Great job!
Thanks guys for your comments, I never actually use EOD armor (especially shoulders) for screenshots but I forgot to change the permutation. EOD shoulders are my original armor for matchmaking or custom games. I'll do a retake with different shoulders. EDIT: Thank you Black Theorem I think I agree with you on the names.