Happy Nun Roomv2 (don't ask about v1, its dead to me) This is my first map posted on forgehub , I don't expect you to chew me to bits over it, but I don't mind criticism A while back, while I was still new to forging, and playing around with Foundry, I made a map called Happy Fun Room, the map was mainly composed of double blocks lazily thrown around in a circle, with man cannons pushing dumbsters and vehicles around the map in a type of circular motion, as I have slowly become a better forger, I have remade versions of this, over and over, but none are ever as fun as the first one, with its terrible craftsmanship, so, finally after playing around with all of sandbox's fun bits, I decided to remake the final(probably) version of the map. I decided that instead of everybody randomly spawning all over the structure, that I would add a pathway with columns around the top, to allow people to spawn without being hit by things. The map starts out with the room, with some of the objects in tact to form what looks like a mediocre arena map The ceiling is made of tin cups, and my friend set some vehicles to hang from them, they usually fall down however, and join into the fun The players are allowed to freely kill eachother with their splasers and their grav hammers until about 45 seconds in, when man cannons spawn inside the bases of each wall. at 60 seconds in, banshees and warthogs spawn, creating an even more deadly monstrosity. after that , It's a simple matter of staying inside the hill, or killing people until you reach 200 points, Some action shots : believe it or not, the grey one threw the grenade hornets are mean! He was hit THAT hard (with jazzhands too!!!) Another random hit! Halo Myspace pic much? Download Map - HappyNunRoom v2 Download Game - Flying Nuns Thanks to GuerillaxKillax(yellow spartan) for helping me forge and test, and to wiz kid 32p(grey spartan) for helping test. Hope you folks enjoy!
YES ITS BEEN POSTED, i have to say the fact we finished this in 2 days is awesome and is a really fun map and is really well forged even though it was a long 2 days with lots of mistakes and lags but its finally up YEAH first!!!111!!
It's pretty good I would say, I like how you have to keep jumping to survive. For the aesthetics, I wouldn't say that they need to be worked on. You'll always have bumps when you're merging anything together when you're making floors on sandbox. This looks like it's worth a download, even if I'm playing alone, good job. I may or may not give a full review later.
wow this looks fun but sad to say it doesnt look original it reminds me of blastoff in the srtucture and gametype but it is a great map with great fun merging and forging
um wtf how does it remind you of blast off it has a really different idea the point is to jumpd down into the hill for points not use a column and grav lift to go up into it.
Being a big fan of Blast Off!!!, I can assure you, it's nothing like it. The goal is not to use the lifts to keep you in the air, but to stay alive in the slipstream of destructive objects, Thanks for replying thought.
ok jeeze get off my back guys i said that b4 i downloaded it it looked the same but then after finally neing able to connect to bungie to be able to download it its not the same and its really fun. its sort of like blast off but sorta upsidedown good forging
it looks fun to mess around on a few times, but it has been done before. Your map is a lot neater though. Props on that. I guess I'll DL once I link my GT. 4/5