hello, This map was made for my friend after he lives so far away from me and i couldn't give him a present on his bday so i made him a map instead which he seemed to really like. This is the download link for the map Halo 3 File Details here are the pictures for my map here is a ally way leading to a special door which can then lead to doors were if you jump you will go into this room here I call this the blue room!!! this is where the flag spawns in CTF here is a overview, off the other side off the map here, is the main fighting part i would say. With alot off different bits in it here is where you have to take the flag once you have it, and also if you are not blind, you will see a lovely though also lonely elite AKA me and my final picture of the map is off a wall and me again The story line the people which are trying to get the flag, are the gangsters, which are trying to steel the party flag, from the disco. then, the people that are protecting the flag, are the disco people which see to never get any fun cause off these F**Kin gangsters. Also a reason why you should download this map. is becuase, each time you. dont go to downlod a map, either a cute puppy or a cute cat will have to eat their vegtables, and they hate their veg, so please download for the puppies and cats
Disco Very nice of you to create a map as a gift. The best gifts are always the ones you can make. As for the map, I'n not sure if you need more pictures, but I can't really get a good sense of what the map is about. Maybe a more detailed description. From what I can see, your interlocking looks very clean and I like the Disco room
I did that room, 4 times, each time i forgot to save, also i will add a few more pictures tommorrow 4 u guys
i like the idea of this as a gift, but when it comes to the actual map, its really hard to tell what it is. the pics are very confusing and does not show the layout of the map. but the forging looks fairly good, so kudos for that
i like the map it looks really well forged and the rave room is supper cool but i dont get the game type or what u are supposed to actually do on the map
Wow, thats really cool to make a map as a gift. I really like that picture of the blue room, is the whole room that clean? It looks really well put together. I think that I am going to download this map just to see that room on my own screen.
Nice map man very nice of you to do such a thing. I did the same thing once but it wasn't playable. It was just a big cake. Anyway, the map looks o.k. I can't really tell you what I'd rate it based on aesthetics since I can only see 2 walls from the pictures you gave. I would download it to see if it's good or not, but since the sadness of puppies and kittens are at sake, I'll have to pass. [Insert evil laugh here]