HANGOVER Forged by waffl3slay3r Map Description Exactly how this structure remained suspended above Requiems surface we will never know... This map was created as a homage to both Halo 3's Guardian and Halo Reach's The Cage. The map is full of tac jumps. there are also a few places where you need to be more careful as to where you jump. The map is relatively small in size and combat travels around the entirety of the map. Overhead view with weapon drops and spawn locations. Blue spawn Red spawn Binary rifle spawn and turret placement Gravity hammer spawn This is "the cliff". The railgun spawns in a hole in the rocks on the right. I didn't want to overflow your screens with pictures, so if you want to get a much better look at the map then go here- Hangover - Imgur Thank you very much for taking a look at my first dive into the competitive map world! Any testing, criticisms, or compliments are greatly appreciated!