Sandbox Hangar 8

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by wrthgdrver710, May 4, 2009.

  1. wrthgdrver710

    wrthgdrver710 Ancient
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    Hangar 8
    During a Covenant boarding of the UNSC controlled Hangar 8, one of the Covenant unknowingly brought aboard a single flood spore. This unwilling host fought in the battle of Hangar 8 and died. All Covenant fighting in the battle died and all but 4 UNSC Marines died in the battle. The Marines had just enough time to call in for a rescue cruiser when the flood spore infected the dead bodies all around the Hangar. With resuce on the way in t minus 3 minutes, the survivors must hold the hangar until the rescue Hornet arrives to ferry them off to the UNSC Rescue Cruiser. Will they survive long enough.....

    Hangar 8 is best played with the "Outbreak" gametype that I created but is probably easily played with any other Infection based gametype. Best designed for a small party (4-10) but has the capability to play with a larger one as well (full 16).

    The object of the game is for the 4 surviving Marines to survive for 3 minutes while the rescue Hornet is on it's way.

    The Humans spawn with assault rifles and can pick up weapons and drive vehicles.

    The Covenant spawn with a single random weapon and cannot pick up weapons or drive vehicles.

    PICTURES (Walls removed for ease of viewing):
    [​IMG] Full Overview​

    [​IMG] UNSC Rescue Cruiser​

    Human Start (Hornet doesn't appear until 3 minutes elapse)

    Zombie Start (Banshee not useable)

    Diagram of Clash

    Bridge Spawning

    *Note this is my first forge hub map and if you have any suggestions for my map I will post a version 2. It's kinda rough. If anyone would like to help me test the map I would need 16 people to do a real test. Thanks for DL-ing!
    Message Me at xCRAFTY BEAVERx if you would like to help test​

    #1 wrthgdrver710, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  2. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    LOLOLOLOL lots of fusion coils...

    NOw onto the map. I couldn't really get a good idea of the layout. could you post an overview? did you? i couldn't really tell. Also, could you maybe include some action shots so we can get an idea of how the map plays. The map looks a LITTLE sloppy here and there but nothing to dramatic. overall, the forging looks pretty good. i hope to see more pictures.
  3. skull dice

    skull dice Ancient
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    yeah i don't really get the point of the map haha .....its a good layout
    but i just don't really get it.
  4. Sephire124

    Sephire124 Ancient
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    I would have to dl it in order to see the map. It was probably hard to take pictures because its completely inside. I didn't get the point of the banshee and the shield door then realized you didn't want anyone to actually use it lol. I'll dl it when I get home. If you wanna add me ill test it with you when im online later tonight. GT SEPHIRE124

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