Now this looks interesting! The only reason I'm into this map is that Rat's Nest is one of my favorite maps in Halo 3! Nice Job!
this looks cool and has good interlocking. i like how it is on Rats Nest instead of the typical foundry
im not a big fan of forged maps on actual levels. it doesnt seem very creative to me, and it usually isnt very appealing to my eyes... personally, i just cannot see whats so special about this map with so many amazing creations from users that are actual fresh layouts and designs.
You can get right into the middle area of the map if you squeeze past that double box. I will give it a proper rating after I can play a game on it.
Thats the thing. Now that Foundry is out, a map that isnt on it or that uses the same things as it (IE a ton of objects interlocked, geomerged, etc), isnt good anymore. Its kind of sad if you look at all the old classics, they come from ideas (like this map), instead of just a good looking map.
says the person who probably hasn't played any games on it. Like Insane said, great maps are more than just sexy merging and interlocking... people actually play games on them too. Crazy huh? This map, in my opinion, has the most sound gameplay than anything featured in the last month or so.
and what if i havent? rats nest is rats nest to me. i dont care about a barrier here or a bridge covering things there. i want fresh original stuff to play on. im not saying this sucks, im saying i dont care for it, and ive seen many other more Featurable items than this. i meant no disrespect to insane. that said, i NEVER liked forge mode until foundry came out. all those classic maps you speak of... never liked em. so i didnt just become jaded with the introduction of interlocking and all that, i just wasnt happy with those maps in the first place. the regular shipped versions of them were fine with me. congrats on the feature.
Wow, all is I gotta say. Since I actually tried playing it, it is really fun. Played it with a few people and it was actualy quite fun 10/10.
It has Hangar 02 printed on the wall of the main action area, how much more suitable can you get? great map btw, i loved playing with the ducks and crushing everyone else with our duckylicious tactics.
Looks pretty cool idk if it should be featured though, but I havn't played it so I can't say anything.
To all those saying it doesn't look like anything special-Many featured maps are not featured based solely on aesthetics. Gameplay is also very important, and if a map has a good enough gameplay, like Hangar, than it also of featurable quality since those that download these maps will enjoy them. Although the screenshots may not have motivated you to try Hangar, you should play it anyways before judging it, since it is this maps gameplay that made it great.