Hangar 02

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Insane54, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    squidhands' Furious Review:

    EDIT: Normally I'll be posting a screenshot of the game with some sort of incredibly clever comment to go along with it (Rick's got his Haiku's, this is my schtick), but Insane's already posted both of the ones I made from last night's game on the first page. Thanks, man!

    Without a doubt, the Highlight game of the first Furious Review. I've never had this much fun on Rat's Nest. It went the full time limit of the game, and I'm wondering if we'd still be going if there wasn't one. The map was balanced almost to a fault; I'd say eliminate some of the BR's on each side. I'm willing to bet that would allow for less of a stalemate. But that's about the only problem I had with the map layout, and that ain't no bad thang.
    I went through the map in Forge before we started the evening's festivities, and the only other thing I would possibly change would be to add one more 'flag away' respawn area to each side. I think there were only two for each side, and they were small areas. Anyone who likes to spawn camp *cough*Furious*cough* could really rack up the kills by just hanging out on the stairs. I couldn't begin to tell you where to put them, though. Like I said, it's a pretty minor problem, like the excess of the BR's. Now that I know that Furious knows where the respawn points are when his team has the flag, it'll just come down to who can throw the better grenade first.
    Oh, yeah, I found one of your hidden splazers while I was in Forge, too. Every time I remembered where it was during the game, the grav lift was gone. :-( I like where you hid it; anyone who sucks at running along the pipe, especially in a certain area, will no doubt stumble across it. I demand you tell me where the other one is as well as the Mauler. I tore that map apart looking for that thing (I should point out that there's also a soccer ball easter egg, too. Nicely placed, sir).
    Really, there's not a whole lot more to say. With minuscule problems, the map still plays great and really shows how much time and effort you put into making it. This is how you do it, people. You can't just throw a map together in a few hours and expect it to play well. You've got to put in the time to make it great. To those that scoffed at the amount of time Insane said he took to make this (you know who you are), shut up and look how it's done.

    Enjoyment: [​IMG] So much fun I almost forgot that we lost. Almost.

    Durability: [​IMG] Doesn't seem to be any way to get where you're not allowed.

    Aesthetics: [​IMG] There's only so much lipstick you can put on the pig that is Rat's Nest. The upturned open boxes seem kind of unnecessary.

    Originality: [​IMG] CTF is CTF. It's still fun as hell.

    Balance: [​IMG] My only real issue, albeit a minor one. Making the BR a more coveted weapon my allow for more of a ebb and flow.

    Overall: [​IMG]
  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    er, figured that you could realize you WALK on the pipes, you get there with the grav lol :squirrel_wtf:

    the problem with removing BR's is that i was going for a tactical feel, where the BR is a common weapon. i couldve maybe gotten rid of 2 of them, one on each side, maybe. also, the gametype was supposed to be normal Multi Flag, which can take 30 minutes or more, and i really like how its like that. theres no sudden rush of people with awesome weapons, as your pretty much always holding a BR if you know where to go. it takes the game to a far more strategic level, i just wish i had saved that 4v7 game with me and shock and 2 other guys and you could see how we did it...

    i can see what you mean by adding another spawn area, however we had one and it kinda messed up, if one player went out too far then the defenders would have to spawn right in front of the flag carrier, which resulted in phail. so i decided i might as well have it like that...

    mauler was placed SOMEWHERE then forgotten, i have no idea where...i think i did find it and delete it in V2 thoguh....the soccer ball just popped in there when i was messin around and i thought it was cool...i guess i could get it out if i really wanted but lol

    the upturned box keeps people from spawn killing, it actually took us a few hours to get that inside setup just right, as dumb as it looks.
  3. JediWithASniper

    JediWithASniper Ancient
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    Well, I heard everyone saying that, but I never did find the way to get up on the pipes. Maybe I should start downloading the maps before we test them, that way I don't have these problems, but again, other people will not research em' in forge first, so I guess it gives me a more open opinion on each map we play if I haven't played it before.

    By the way, how do you get up on the pipes? :squirrel_rocking:

    Every time I tried to figure it out, our team would start to lose the battle in the middle, and I'd have to help them out, and usually die in the process.
  4. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    There's a grav lift under the flag spawn that will take you up. Or, you can grenade jump onto the back boxes and then crouch jump to the pipe. I actually like the fact that you can grenade jump, just so everyone knows.

    EDIT: Just copying my review here for easy access to the DL'ers.

    Map: Hangar 02

    Overall Enjoyment Durability Aesthetics Originality Balance

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    8/10 8/10 9/10 7/10 8/10 9/10

    Map Review Haiku:

    Good for objectives
    Ninjas take it from behind
    Need fewer players

    Hangar 02 is not as cool as Hangar 18... but close. It makes really good use of the Rat's nest layout... but so does every custom I've bothered to DL on Rat's Nest. I love the secret-ninja-back-back-way-in. I think the wall should be made higher and the grav lift should respawn faster, though. It was way too easy to grenade jump and then crouch jump to the piping. Weapon and spawn placement seems completely fine.

    The map falls into the same old trap of nobody being able to get to the objectives when there are is a large-ish party on the field. I'd really like to see the map with an easily defensible middle way open as well. Overall, though, I can't think of anything particularly bad to say about Hangar 02.

    Rick's Suggestions:

    -Maybe take a couple BR's off the map.
  5. Ty

    Ty Guest

    I guess just remove a few BR's and give them two extra clips, otherwise I don't completely understand why people want the BR's removed ....
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    i dont either really...id much rather have almost everyone have BR's then most people have AR's...its supposed to have a tactical feel
  7. Ty

    Ty Guest

    If I remember correctly, didn't we have people complaining about there not being enough weapons on the map? Even though we had used all but 2 of the BR's and a slew of other goodies? The reasoning behind the complaints is very flawed.
  8. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    We played with what was considered a larger group than the map was intended for, and everyone had a Battle Rifle all the time. For me, it was a minor thing. I understand why you want to have everyone have the BR, but I thought it would give an extra level of strategy to the game to have such a necessary weapon be a coveted thing to have. Less accessible, should have been the better way to put it. You could have them in fewer, more exposed places but have the respawn timer set lower than the default 30sec. That way everyone on the team can still get the BR, but they'll have to take a little more of a risk to get to it. It might make for a little less of a stalemate if your team can prevent the other from getting the Battle Rifle. But like I said, it's a pretty minor detail. The map plays great and I'll always want to play it with you guys if you can get a group together.
  9. Ty

    Ty Guest

    Your explanation makes much more sense squid, I prefer something like that over "There's too many Br's"

    Insane, get cracking!
  10. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    thats far better than most people say. V2 will probobly decrease the number of BRs by 2 or 4, but that also includes the 2 new ones placed inside the new tunnel way
  11. Ty

    Ty Guest

    How did that central tunnel thing work out anyway? did you use the entire central cavity? Or just the hallway?
  12. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Cool, happy to add clarification. I didn't get the impression from anyone in the review team that it was a big problem. I think that it was more of a 'if I had to change anything it would be this' type of comment. It was by far the most fun we had all night.
    If you need an extra guy, I'd be happy to help you test out your next version when I can swing it.
    New tunnelway, you say? sweet...
  13. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    it goes along the same path as in AZN FTW's The Cellers path (not copied, it was just the best way). it includes a flamethrower! :O

    the problem i have rightnow is that im ON to 100 item limit, and its very barely blocked off, just for the beta testers to see where to go...maybe grave's trick will work on it, ill have to get him in a forge session w/ me sometime
  14. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Cool, I'll be interested to see how you have it set up. Me likey da flamethrower.
    That sucks you're at the 100 item limit. Hopefully Gravedigger can help you out there; I still haven't mastered his trick yet and I need to.
  15. Ty

    Ty Guest

    I'm amazed you where actually able to work with the map because we where fighting the 100 item limit on the original.
  16. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    grave explained the trick and ill be trying it later today or tomorrow, hope it works. the bigger problem is blocking off the middle way, right now it has things like roadblocks just to show the testers where to go...and i have no bridges, no open boxes, etc...
  17. Ty

    Ty Guest

    No Bridges? No Open boxes? I really hope Grave's trick works or else it's going to be very hard to block that center section off.
  18. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    didnt work :O

    ill try to get grave in forge with me so he can try himself tho...
  19. Ty

    Ty Guest

    That sucks, with how big that map is, they should have either included more larger objects, or made the item limit higher.
  20. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    yea definately

    anyway so shock helped a bit yesterday and now the new version can be tested but its easily grenade jumped...and were at the 100 items again...

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