Hangar 02

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Insane54, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    No offense, but the map doesn't look like 20 hours of work.
  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    ever balanced a game to (near) perfection? it takes a long time in tweaking and especially testing. it was definately over 20 hours, but thats not really that important
  3. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Insane, I'd like to play a game of Hangar sometime. Let me know next time you get a game together for it.
  4. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hangar is balanced and great competitive fun. The least balanced part is the teams, heh. Get even teams and this becomes a 20-30 minute war, it's great.
  5. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    your comment is a subtle indication of your own failiure
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    i wouldnt say that....but i could say that maybe you should try making a perfectly balanced map and see for yourself...it takes a long time and its very satisfying once ur done

    yea, i did my best to fix that, but i couldnt really do anything else i think...i guess it can be good in a way...tho sometimes just 1 person can kinda screw up ur whole strategy *cough*cottage*cough*
  7. D00dle14

    D00dle14 Ancient
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    ill try it
  8. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    probobly a better idea to play first, then offer a helpful comment...may the duck be with you :squirrel_rubberduck:
  9. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Nice map, from looking at it in forge. I can't wait to review it tonight. I can't find the damn lasers, though. I know there are 2 out there somewhere. I probably spawned next to them or something and never came back. That's my luck. Can't wait to see how the whole back-way-in plays out.
  10. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    one got stuck somewhre, i found it finally after i released it (still cant find the stupid mauler thats somewhere...), the other is the easter egg mentioned before in the thread...

    i know the back way turns out, what im not sure about is in my V2 beta about how the middle way will play out in conjuntion with the backway...ur going to be at the V2 test tommorow?
  11. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Nice map Insane. Had a lot of fun stopping blue team with my "droppin down from the pipes triple kill" in the Furious Review session tonight.

    Interesting gameplay options as well. It really made you play as a team. "Do I go on the pipes and sneak behind the enemy base; taking forever and leaving my team short a man for 30 secs? Or should I help them push forward? Does the sniper help the team advance or keep an eye out on the pipes?"

    I couldn't find the lasers though, and I don't remember anyone using them, even you. Might need moving. And the gravlift as well. My team didn't know where it was and didn't use it. We nade-jumped up to the pipes. Can't think of anything else to critique though, which means this map is very well thought out.
  12. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    What I liked the most about this map was that there seemed to be a real battle line that was constantly being pushed back and forth. Success was dependant one or two individuals being able to slip past the line to get to the objective, while the rest of the team played reverse tug-of-war. We played CTF that ended in a 1-0 time limit call, but I think that's OK in this case. On the down side, the boundary limits make this map very linear (despite the tunnel system), with some real choke points (IE the up-ramps into the enemy's base). It's not the prettiest map ever, and someone got suck in a box at one point, which is never good. Overall, though, excellant.

    Enjoyability: 9/10
    Durability: 7/10
    Aesthetics: 4/10
    Origionality: 6/10
    Balance: 8/10

    Pred's Overall Score: 8/10
  13. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    I think I'm only going to leave review comments on the maps I liked the most from the Furious review sessions. This was one of them. Great map overall. I loved using the pipes, and it seems really well balanced between the back and front way to each base. All the bad things people said (not many of them) I noticed as well. But overall, nice work making a really balanced map. And you're right, 4 v. 4 would be best for this map.

    Full review here
  14. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    yea i find these kind of things make maps so much better, its really hard to keep your team all together and balanced, you guys did a good job of it until the end tho...we almost captured...NOOOO

    anyway so i dont usually use the splazer cuz i dont want people to find it...its really well hidden and i dont want someone to just watch me in theater and find it...it IS balanced in with the game though, it can play a part in the game even if it is found...but yes you need to do something special to get it...on a offtopicish note, the box was unblockable cuz i hit the 100 item limit, anyone stupid enoguh to jump in *cough* has grenades in there to kill themself

    i found it impossible to prevent grenade jumping, however i realized that it doesnt matter that much. the grav lifts could even be perm, you'd be sending players a long way to an easily defended pipe, and leaving your flag completely undefended. you guys did do a good job on one of your attacks though, u got us right as we were reorganizing

    finnally, i can haz your pictures plox?
  15. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    What? Which pictures?
  16. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    i meant wonder's, sorry lol
  17. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    yea i played this before it came out it was pretty fun
  18. JediWithASniper

    JediWithASniper Ancient
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    The Furious Review

    By: JediWithASniper

    Last night we reviewed this map, here are my ratings, and opinions on it.

    Enjoyment: 6 out of 10

    Durability: 6 out of 10

    Aesthetics: 5 out of 10

    Originality: 4 out of 10

    Balance: 7 out of 10

    I had a lot of fun playing this map, we played a full twelve minutes, and my team won with only 10 seconds left in the game, final score 1 - 0. Overall it was enjoyable, but I did have trouble finding my way through the alternate routes of the back tunnels. After a number of different attempts, I finally just found a mongoose, drove it up to the containers, and used it to get over the first set of containers, after that, I had to use areas on the walls to get over the second set, and then use the teleporter to get into the enemy base.

    Overall, it seemed like I was one of the only one's having a problem with the back path, but I overcame it, and got the flag half way back to our base because of it. The back path is definitely a good addition, and gives you a break from the constant heat of battle. I thought the map was very balanced, and a good play.

    My overall rating is: 6 out of 10
  19. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Um, yeah. What pictures? The pic squidhands took of me owning red team? My avatar pic? I dunno.
  20. Ty

    Ty Guest

    Looks like the good ol Hangar is doing alright Insane. although I think the balance score should've been higher. ....

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