This was a wicked map to play, definitely well balanced and providing a nice balance of constant combat and stalemates as each team tries to get a foothold to get that game-swinging capture. I'm definitely downloading this and will play it again with my friends. We played it 3v3 but I'd love to play it 4v4, or even with more. Invite me again some time! - Gimp (OcR Gimptacular)
thanks werent u in that game that we got the screenshots in? that was crazy and yea the more people the better until 5 v 5
Hey man if you end up remaking this like you were saying for a v2, mind if i help out? Also, I think if you do make a version 2 of it, with 3 dif ways to attack, you might consider submitting this to MLG... its a very strategic map and has lots of distance combat.. They like that kind of stuff. Edit: ok after posting this i went and DL'd it cuz i forgot that i hadnt DL'd it yet. ...- how does this have a 4 page thread on FH and no one even bothers to comment on the bnet thread. thats just ignorant ppl... lets all help each other out and when we decide to DL, make a comment on the bungie thread to help out the persons map. kthxbai.
wasnt that orengemi? BTW i just edited it so people know i was careful to make it 'human' im not gonna remake, just gonna try to think up a 3 way thing that still keeps the game good...but yea sure i was thinking of submitting it as it is, i dont think i can do the v3 but im thinking about ideas the worse thing is that it has like 7 downloads and 4 pages, idk how that happens :/
I think the reason it only has 7 downloads is this: A lot of people have already played this map during testing, and get invited to play it on a regular basis, so they probably feel that they dont need to use up the space of their custom item limit downloading it, because they know that they will eventually be invited to play. People, please help each other out and download your buddy's maps, and comment on their thread. It only takes a little bit of time out of your day, and it helps maps be seen in the chaos of bungie's map forums. Hell, even if u delete the map right after u download it, at least download it because you support the person who made it! (no i did not delete it, im just saying.)
lol, I wasn't mad (or at least not genuinely so!) although you probably heard me going "Oh my god he got me again!" Anyway, good point about supporting in the forums... I hadn't thought about that and I'll post a reply and rating there.
oh good point, thats probobly true...since i had to test it so much to get it just right i had to send a ton of invs and play it over and over....
Too many people are sleeping on this map. If you enjoy competitive CTF action, that takes strategy and skill to actuall get a capture, you really need to check this map out. I can't believe this slipped so far into the abyss.
First Off; A map thats not foundry ;o Pinch me. Secondly. Looks good. Can't wait to play this with a big party tommorow. Ill try my best to leave some feedback, but cant prosime you it. ~Strike
? where? just about everything is set up perfect, the barriars dont look very good but those actually took us about 2 hours to get into the perfect spots for the best balance of 3 possible tactics
This sounds great. i'm definately downlaoding. Could you take a picture of the pipe route? i'm not really sure how it works.
um, it would be kinda hard to get a shot of how it works...i could try i guess...if you can imagine it tho, its like theres the pipes going all the way around...then u use a grav lift to get on, and walk all the way arouind...
Very competitive gameplay! Me and my friends played this for an hour straight we like it so much. I like your weapon choice on the map and how you are able to get onto the pipes. Overall, great map.