Hangar 02

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Insane54, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    After extensive testing, Hangar 02 is finally done. Me and Tygard spent at least 20 hours on this, building, testing, and tweaking it to (near) perfection. The only thing that really stopped us was our 100 item limit, which we are on right now, we used every possible object we could. Practically everyone who's tested this map lately will tell you that it can result in some amazing strategy, random bomb runs, and basically very competitive fun. Last game I played, we had a 2-2 game (it goes up to 3 in the mode we were doing, more on this later), and we launched a full scale attack, nobody on defense, and just barely won it out 3-2.

    Anyway, so this is how the map works: teams spawn on their respective sides of the playing field, facing each other. Under each base is a grav lift that spawns once a minute, you can use this grav lift to get onto the pipes above you, and traverse along them all the way to the other side. There is a invisibility in the middle, when you get to their base you can ninja drop (whooyaa!) and do whatever you have to do. Make sure not to fall, as if you do you'll have to go all the way back. If you do fall closer to the enemy side, you can use a teleporter to get into their base, however you'll loose the element of surprise. That way was the alternate route, the main way is right through the open area, straight into the other team's base. Its much faster, but it can be hard to get all the way to where you want to go without trouble. It doesn't seem hard, but it can be, trust me. The third way is by mongoose along the main path, you'll have to either go close to a wall and take more time or go close to the edge of the cliff and go faster. Your choice.

    All three ways have been meticulously balanced out to provide a perfect balance. If played defense right, a team can be trying to get a flag for quite a while, but they will get it if they play good offense.

    The main games this was designed for is Assault, One Bomb, Capture the Flag, and One Flag. We wanted the map to work with default gametypes, so the player only needs to download one thing to be able to play the map. Other games work, but I can't really vouch for them that much. We also wanted to have it have a 'human' feel, so every weapon is human (except the super secret one that you cant find so dont bother).

    So there you have it. Hangar 02. A real, competitive map, that actually requires strategy instead of random killing. Download it, try it out, rate it, share it with friends, have fun! :) :squirrel_rocking:


    Some of your base

    Rest of your base and way to main route

    The main route

    Someone using a grav lift to get onto the pipes

    Splattered Double Stick Kill

    Boom, Headshot!

    Battle on the Pipe



    Yes, He Does Pull This Stick Somehow

    Shock's not dead. Shock is crying because we almost tied the game...

    "Quick, go through his pockets!!"

    Map by Insane54 and s tygard55. Special thanks to Beta Waffle and Im CarsoN, and to all of the people and testers who helped with the map! In addition, thanks to squidhands for the last two pictures!

    Hangar 02 (Map)

    My Other Maps:

    Comments or suggestions? Post them here and I'll be sure to look at it!
  2. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Are you getting the pictures up right now or something? Otherwise I cannot see them.
  3. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    woops messed up there. pics are now up, hope u like it
  4. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Very fun, very, very fun. It's competitive, many ways to the base. The screenies don't do the map any help. You have to play it. I love it. Qeued.
  5. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    thanks! its too bad you cant really take good screenshots of this map cuz its really how balanced and well played the game plays out, its almost all dependant on team strategy and how well u work together...i just lost again 3-2 Multi Flag :( but of course it was close, its almost never a 3-0 or anythin
  6. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    I like the concept, using the pipelines in Rat's Nest, that is new for sure. I will be trying this one out when I can find the time to get on my X-Box
  7. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    whenever u get on im pretty much always up for a game on this, it hasnt gotten old yet to me, and ive been on it at least 20+ hours, send me a game invite
  8. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Well, I would really like to play it with you. It does look like a lot of fun. I will be on from like 3-7 pm central tomorrow. I could add you or you could add me. GT- ix Cr0ok3d xi (first 0 is a zero)
    bnasty574 likes this.
  9. AqueousBeaver

    AqueousBeaver Ancient
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    Great map. Well balanced. Had a lot of fun playing CTF. Requires real teamwork, which is a plus in my book.

    and yes, the mongoose splatter was worth going over the edge with a spike grenade on my face.
  10. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Dude!! You finally released this!

    I had a lot of fun testing this with you guys, this was a great map idea.
    I agree, it is VERY competitive. If you are just playing casually you might not make any progress at all.

    I cant wait to get some good games going on this in the final version, i did experience some crappy lag during the tests that had more than 3v3, and i want to see what this map is like with 4v4 and 5v5.

    Great job guys.

    A note to the community: This is how you make a good map. An original idea, and lots and lots of testing. Balance Balance Balance.
  11. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Location Location Location. lol

    Anyway, This map makes for very intense gameplay, and Beaver.. You're welcome for that going away present after you splattered me.. You too Insane..
  12. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    For some reason, images aren't showing up. Must be a weird glitch. Anyways, I think this map description is good enough for me to download without pictures!
  13. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    You're right, it is.
  14. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    thanks for the good feedback :)

    BTW, too bad i didnt save that pic of when i threw a sticky and someone threw a trip at the same time, and they stuck each other...or when someone put a grav lift near the middle box and we flew right over all the cover :squirrel_wtf:

    BTW2, can i get a video of this? it would be cool if people could see how the game plays out without having to imagine it in their mind

    BTW3, im thinkin about a Hangar 02 V2 with 3 ways so you can use things like 3-prong attacks and other kindsa attacks...when i get home ill see if i can do it
  15. Ty

    Ty Guest

    You really didn't have to give me credit in this. I didn't do much. I must say though this is a very good strategic style map. run and gun = a loss and I like the need for strategy it requires. good work Insane.
  16. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    yes i did, it really was a mix of both of us, i just did weapons and the idea really, like i usually do....it wouldnt have worked as well with me alone obviously

    ? like the screenshots arent showing up, or like its good? ???

    screenshots look fine on my screen, but you know my screen is kinda screwy sometimes (lol tygard w/ the floating objects)
  17. Ty

    Ty Guest

    those open containers pissed me off ..... solid objects should not behave like that when stacked. damn you Halo physics ....
  18. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    that was very weird. actually once it jumped pretty high and squashed me :squirrel_wtf: luckily thats fixed :p
  19. Ty

    Ty Guest

    So the containers spawn alright? that's good. I will say the 2 hours it took to place one open container on top of another without them glitching out was a bit ridculous ....
  20. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    i replaced it with an open double box on its side

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