Wats up Forge Hub this is BLUE MAG1C 91,this is my hang em high Remake Stack em Tall.Its looks alot like Hang em High but is tweaked for game plays sake.Well I hope you like it heres the pic Weapons List:4brs 4 carbines 1 rocket launcher 2 shotguns 4 plasma rifles 4 smgs 1 sniper 1 active camo 1 regen 1 grav lift 2 brutes The pics
hmm well it looks good tho the high part you missed.HeH is a distinguished map for its tall and high cat walks. Though i havent played HeH since my Halo pc days but this looks pretty close. My suggestion for an crazy fun game on this map that i remember from the original is CTF Rockets insanely fun times but idk how that plays on this remake
this is a tough map to do nicely, it has tunnel systems, dips, and catwalks, which all need to be smooth, you did do a great job on this but if i were to turn pip pop on my tv i would be able to find a few clear differences. remakes are hard because your trying to match something that was digitally coded to be what it was, and when your given pieces, its like your the kid with the toy blocks while daddy is designing the empire state building. but over all, i was pretty impressed with the sniping spot among other things. 7/10 if it was original, 5/10 as a resembling remake. nice work though. might i suggest a damnation remake? im dying to see an exact copy of it. keep working for it.
i wouldn't necessarily call this a remake. not to say your map doesn't play well--i kind of like the changes you've made to it--but there are some huge differences here. feel free to correct me if i'm wrong, but it looks like you ran out of items. you're missing some crucial parts of what made hang em high hang em high. the missing top catwalk is the most obvious, but the rocket catwalk you do have doesn't even connect to the big tower. i think you might do better if you weren't working with such a large space. maybe taking your own interpretation of hang em high in 3/4 or 2/3 of the crypt wouldn't be such a bad idea. if you plan it out first, you wouldn't have to wall off that much either. anyway, as for your map. i like how the tombstones look (much better than the dumpsters on foundry remakes). the catwalks look nice too, although they're a bit bumpy. i kind of wish you had put the window slits near the sniper spawn rotated on their sides. it'd be truer to the original, although then it might give that sniper some seriously imbalanced sightlines. in the original hang em high, a shotgun and a medpack spawned in there, i think your version may have that area as being too powerful. is there a reason you didn't put the sniper up top center on a catwalk (wrote this before i noticed you didn't have the upper catwalks)? or in the huts on either side of the ground level? i also think you should put the camo back under the ramp where it used to spawn in the original map. right now it's directly under rockets, which not only means that two major power weapons are right next to one another, but also that the team spawning at small tower has a huge advantage at the beginning of the game. you might consider moving the camo over there and giving small tower a red overshield down in their graveyard to help balance the powerup situation it's unfortunate how bumpy your map looks, i probably won't download it for simply that reason. if you make a v2, please go the extra mile and merge the pieces. it's just not very fun to play a map, even a good map, when you're bouncing up and down the entire game. your map will also look nicer, and thus it will get more downloads.
sorry man thats not a good remake. you should look at the orignal remake again and add some details. i think then the map would be better. u should take a closer look at your interlocking think and forge them again.