Hang 'em Low

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by otterpoop, May 11, 2008.

  1. otterpoop

    otterpoop Ancient
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    Quite possibly the Best Hang em High Remake to date for Halo 3!! Download, Play, Share, Have fun.....Great Map! Feeback always welcome! PLEASE COMMENT...I am always looking for feedback! Thanks guys...

    For those of you planning on checking out my map let me give you a quick little walkthrough...

    - The basic layout is as close to the original Hang em High from H1 as I could get while having to make accomodations for the size difference of the Foundry Wharehouse. [​IMG]

    - There is now a suicide hole (AKA the noob hole) by the sniper rifle. In that hole you will find some propane tanks. Should you become unfortunate enough to fall in accidentally hope to god you have one of the 2 Grav lifts on the map...otherwise there is one Incendiary grenade that spawn down there so you can set yourself ablaze for being a noob. haha

    - There is a Flamethrower that spawns in a very hard to reach location. May not be worth even going for in an intense game, but a well placed grenade can change all that!

    - At first it may seem a little unbalanced to make a map this small with 3 Shotguns!! However you will notice that each shotgun only has one clip! Thats 6 shots!! Don't Waste em!

    - Overshield spawns every 3 minutes....Invisibility spawns every 2. All Weapon placements are the same as H1, Swapping Pistols for BR's of course. plus there have been some weapon additions for Duel Wielding and such. Grenade placements are also the same, grouped into 2 instead of 4 of course. Plus I added 1 more frag grenade spawns on top of each base. [​IMG]

    - As you will quickly learn about this map.....such as it was in the Original Hang em...BIG BASE IS THE PLACE TO BE! So to even out the advantage that blue base has, red base spawns 2 BR's, blue base only 1. Also red(small) base has quicker access to the power weapons.

    - I obviously couldnt build the canal that runs through the bottom middle....But i did place the 2 AR's on each side and replaced the "Health Pack" that should spawn there with a Regenerator. The other health pack that used to spawn in the blue base shotgun room has now been replaced with the Overshield.

    - I have made a few slight changes to the terrain as well...For example... when coming up the small ramp at the end of Big Base by the needler spawns. You will notice the ramp no longer comes right to the top...there is now a lip there that is the perfect hight for assaulting the base. Try it out! [​IMG]

    - Dont be afraid to explore the map....You will find numerous trick jumps and sneaky spots to hide...I spent a total of about 70 hours on this one!! Lots of meshing and smoothing in order to ensure a clean, playable map. Hang 'em High was always my favorite Halo Map, and until now I have been dissapointed by all the attempted remakes I have seen. Hopefully this will help bring an old classic back to life! If you would like a personalized walkthrough or would like to play it with me sometime just send me a friend request....Im on everyday!

    Download Here:


    Post Comments and Reviews Here:

    #1 otterpoop, May 11, 2008
    Last edited: May 12, 2008
  2. duff himself

    duff himself Ancient
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    Nice job, but peeps on here will give you a hard time about the pics. Upload them to photobucket or something and show the map off the right way!
  3. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    Yea just save them on your computer then upload them to imageshack.
  4. The SEEJ

    The SEEJ Ancient
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    Looks pretty good, but you probably want to fix ur pics or people will start giving you a hard time
  5. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    this map looks really cool! i really like the design and everything, the bridges looks really good i like the aesthetic look to them not much else i can say other than good job!
  6. otterpoop

    otterpoop Ancient
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    Help With PICS!!!

    Can Somebody tell me how to get my pictures to show up like everyone else has? I uploaded them to Photo Bucket....But when I go to add Image it just shows up as a red X. Help me!
  7. Marcus Rethan

    Marcus Rethan Ancient
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    Fix pics plox?
  8. otterpoop

    otterpoop Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What? Fix Pics Plox?? Thats doesnt really help me buddy thanks though...
  9. otterpoop

    otterpoop Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nevermind Everybody I figured it out! Sorry for being dumb. Hope the pix are ok. Enjoy the Map!!
  10. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Looks pretty well put together. But you have missed out alot of the geometry that could have been added if you were prepared to spend the time. I dont see this a a remake, but instead a map themed off Hang em' High.
  11. otterpoop

    otterpoop Ancient
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    Well yeah obviously I couldnt add ALL the geometry from The Original Hang em High From CE. The Foundry Wharehouse is just too damn small. This is more Hang em High (Condensed). But I have to disagree with you.....it still looks, plays and feels like Hang em High Enough to be considered a remake. I have downloaded countless attempted remake that had all the "geometry" you were speaking of and they all just looked messy. I was going for a clean, playable map that had the same feel as the original. Just smaller
  12. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    Love the Map brilliant can't wait for your next one
  13. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    I DL this map the other day and I have to say it captures the Hang 'em High Feel. The only thing I didn't like was the sniper Hole. I just want to know why you did it that way. Some people get mad with death Holes also. If you update the map I would suggest using a tele inter locked at the bottom. Then use a receiver that take you to the one part out side where you fall to your death. You can find out how to do that Here .
  14. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    very nice job, you did get very close to it almost being very good. just probably needed a few extra days of forging for it to be very good. i like the big base, you captured that well.
  15. otterpoop

    otterpoop Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments already. Yes I did include a suicide hole up by the sniper rifle as I can see some of you disagree with. however it does not mean certain death if you fall in. If you have played my map you may have noticed 2 Gravity Lifts. One Camo Ramp....the other by the dumpsters under needler spawn. If you happen to have one on you....or you can get a teamate to drop one down to you....then you can get out of the hole. Otherwise there is one flame grenade and some propane tanks....That should take care of it! haha
  16. jpatt94

    jpatt94 Ancient
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    Cool map. I will DL.
  17. otterpoop

    otterpoop Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool, Thanks
  18. bam3214

    bam3214 Ancient
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  19. Kad

    Kad Ancient
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    Very nice remake :)

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