This is a very close remake of Hang 'Em High from Halo CE. The map is complete with the exact same layout, tunnels included. The only thing it lacks is the trench in the middle. It works for all gametypes but is best for slayer. The weapon placements on the map are the same as in the original, but with the pistol replaced by the battle rifle. By default, the map contains the following weapons: Needler x 3 Fuel Rod Cannon x 1 Rockets x 1 Shotgun x 1 Sniper Rifle x 1 Battle Rifle x 2 Plasma Rifle x 1 Flamethrower x 1 It also contains an overshield and active camouflage, as well as frag and plasma grenades. Download and screenshots here: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Please rate my map and let me know what you guys think! Screenshots:
here are your pics good sir Just quote me and then paste the IMG codes in your post also please view this thread
He will, TheDarkNight05 embedded his pics, so when he gets back on he will add the pics. +rep to TheDarkNight05
nice work, i don't know how many times ive tried to recreate this map, and how many times my futile attempts have have failed. if you could do a remake of it and include the trench it would be even more orgasmic. nice work though 4.5/5
This doesn't look very accurate and could use some serious clean up I think. But nice job on ur fist map here
That was a rather pointless post that really did not help the thread poster at all. Nice job, you just spammed.
Okay, sorry guys for not posting pics immediately. I started typing the post and had to go somewhere for a few hours. I said I would post them and now I did. If there's nothing else wrong with my post could we talk about the map now?
tooo many bridges! and not enough interlocking. plus this barley resembels hang em high! sory but i think that this is a fail =(
I love hang em high out of all levels they remake I don't see why they can't do this one This looks to be a very accurate remake well done but it is not the best I have seen. May I suggest flipping the brides over to make the mapo look cleaner and taking some action pics
This is the most accurate and the best-looking remake of hangemhigh that i have ever seen on halo 3. To all of you people who say "it looks nothing like hangemhigh, it's messy and sloppy and ****** ***** ******", you can go cliff-dive INto a bloody, sweaty walrus wound, or whatever you do for fun. It may be a LITTLE bit sloppy on the catwalk, and I don't see any screenies of the shotgun spawn, but other than that, it's super cereal. Besides, it's a helluva lot better looking than any other remake of hangemhigh that I've seen. 4/5.
dont double post and srry but not that good you need more cover and flip the bridges interlocking could be better and its too open 1/5
Hey smart one dont call peoples map's fail. Looks like it could have some good gameplay but You used a lot of floating bridges and it doesnt look as apealing. But good job just next time make sure your post is complet before posting.
i don't think it is to bad I have seen a couple different versions and among the 10 or 11 I have seen i would rank you in the top 4. But this is supposed to be a large map and foundry is too small. I think you should try a different map to start out on. I'll give it a 3.5/5
Hmm, thanks for the comments/suggestions guys. I'm definitely going to have to flip and straighten up those bridges.
it looks really acurate, and looks like u used alot of interlocking, however kinda sloppy. it is a very close remake though, one of the best i've seen. im trying to work on a remake of it. it keeps giving me the finger great map though, 3/5