I believe he has also made quite a few xbox 360 laptops. Which I want to try myself, but I'm not sure I have enough skills to make a case and hook up all the components.
I would sooo pay 1000 odd pounds/dollars/moneyz (hehehe) for that! Its the greatest thing made .. EVER! And N64 pwns all!
I wouldn't. The place thing is outdated, and I play other games more than this. It would be a waste of money.
The front of the handheld 64 looks real, but when you look at the back, some parts look...melted. I don't know. Still would be awesome to own.
God hes ****in amazing. How does one learn how to do those things. Anyone know what job/career/line of work he was/is in. It seems like he wouldn't need to do much else other than this stuff (ie, the IW test controller)
The wiring is easy, actually. I started cutting up my old Atari, but I never finished it as a portable. It still works, it's just gutted.
No, this is not fake. This guy actually does a lot of stuff like this. He has a blog that everyone should check out. Most of his stuff is pretty boring, this is the best one, IMO.