killionaire this map is shaped like a pair of handcuffs. it has two stories to it. is a completely semtrical map. it a close quarters map. with lots of duals. it has a couple of close range weapons and thier is at leat 3 way to every part of the map. max number of player would be 8. has good set up for king of the hill, ctf, assualt, and territiorys. download here the bottom floor all these photos wear taking before the 2nd floor spawnd but dont worry the whole map will spawn at the beging when u download it the 2nd floor overveiw without the roof with roof kinda sloppy but u wont notice it in a game cause ur inside of it. weapon list 4 assualt rifles spawn 45 4 battle rifles spawn 45 1 shotgun spawn 150 2 smg spawn 45 2 spikers spawn 45 2 plasma rifles spawn 45 2 needlers spawn 60 1 sword spawn 150 2 carbines spawn 45 2 maulers spawn 45 eq list 4 plasma gernades spawn 30 4 frag gernades spawn 10 2 bubble shields spawn 120 2 regens spawn 120
yah its a little bumby but nothing thats gona stop u up well unless u go over one of the fence wall but that was intinal so people down below could get a chance to get u.