I have a serious problem with this which im am not going to dl because of, look at the size of your map and then look at the vehicles in it? Is this a BTB no its just big enough for 1v1 let alone 2 ghosts 2 warthogs and 4 mongeese and a prowler! You need to do some thinking and change your map
You double posted. Onto the map. I agree with TFx KiLl3r the map is way too small to have that many vehicles. You have very nice merging, but i think the fact that the map is so small and there are that many vehicles is the most pressing issue. keep up the forging my friend.
No I'd say take out the hogs because they are big killers but the ghost seems nice for this map as it is not as overpowering as the hog and the mongooses don't matter but aren't necessry btw I'll be receiving an infraction for double posting and the thread will be locked
yeah, the chopper is too much. who ever gets the chopper blows up everything else. keep the ghost, warthog, and mongi, cuz they're more fair and more fun to mess around in.
the map is interesting, and small but i like what you've done with sucha a small space, after all vehicles on foundry must call for something new good job! 5/5
Lol Patty, I think you're the first comment to be meant to be nice XD. But thanks, I was planning on it the be in the shape of avalanche with mini-bases... not actually base.
To be honest, the only vehicle I'd have on the map would be the Ghost, and I would place that in the crescent area. Now, I don't mind the layout, however, it seems pretty open. Try adding a bit more cover in the center, near the trip mine. But everything else looks great, nice job! 6.5/10.
Lol me too but then again... I set up (or tried) setting up the map for CTF... so yea. I'll take the ghost-crescent idea into consideration. And sure, more cover's definite. Thanks for the view. Okay, yea, I'm gonna move the ghost to the crescent, switch the trip mines with where the ghosts were, change the centerpiece, and replace the needlers with either one smg per base or remove it completely. That sound good?