
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by iTz Blaze, May 19, 2008.

  1. iTz Blaze

    iTz Blaze Ancient
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    Ever wondered why Bungie put the soccer ball in foundry but there was no way to play a game with a scoring system unless you used an oracle as a referee who counted each goal?

    Me and xll cyrax llx are proud to present the first ever soccer pitch with a scoring system using a unique instant pick up and arm technique in the red team and blue teams goals.

    Map is available for download here: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=18994954

    How the game works:

    The catch to this system is way the goals were uniquely designed and built by myself, the only way to score a point and end that round is to first have scored a goal with the soccer ball in the goal the opposing team is defending, you then crouch through the opening in the goal, jump up and arm the bomb, if you try it without first scoring a goal with the soccer ball you will fall to your death through two sender nodes (the ball blocks the sender nodes) Shown Below:


    The design of the soccer arena is in an enclosed dome shape designed by xllcyraxllx where it is impossible to get out while playing the game, the ball also cannot leave the arena. There is also a set of shield walls around the middle of the dome to make the ball bounce allot more when hitting one to make the game more interesting and tactical. We have even made it so if you hit the ball perfectly and the opponent doesn’t see it coming you can splatter them with the soccer ball, I personally have done it twice in the test play games and it’s a good laugh :p

    In order for this game to work properly you must also download the game type we created specifically for this game called Hammerball, this can be downloaded here http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21105876

    The game is a 3 vs 3 (recommended) or a 4 vs 4 fast paced round gametype in which each team battles to score in the opposing teams goal, each round lasts two minutes and it is best out of 5 rounds. You have normal life but are faster than usual if you are either one of the strikers, if you spawn as the goalkeeper you will turn white and a way point will be placed over your head. The goalkeepers have less life and are slower however they can jump higher and are more powerful. The primary weapon is off course a gravity hammer with unlimited charge.


    Rules of the game:

    1. A team can only score an arming by first scoring a goal. (As I have mentioned before it is impossible to arm the bomb without scoring anyway, otherwise it wouldn't be soccer now would it? :p)
    2. If a goal hasn’t been scored by the first minute and a half and the bomb armed within the two minute round, the remaining 30 seconds is a sudden death scenario in which the goalkeeper has no power up so there are 3 strikers.
    3. This best supports 3 vs. 3 and works best that way, although head to head, 2 vs. 2 and 4 vs 4 can also work, However we feel 4 vs 4 can perhaps be too much, but we'll let you decide :)
    4. Once a goal has been scored, that team will be able to get into the scoring zone and score, however if the opposing team plays a good defence the ball will reset to the middle after about 1 minute or so (note, this is hard to do, you have to be good with that grav hammer ;-), Basically you only have a limited amount of time to arm and score a goal once you score a goal.
    5. Have fun and enjoy! Killionaires are allowed lol
    As a final note this took us approximately 4 days to make bar the time we were sleeping , etc, so we hope you appreciate this and get allot of enjoyment out of it, We hope we have inspired people with this map but please do not try to copy the idea, not only is it a breach of Bungies copyright System but we have the variants dated and copyrighted to that date. For anyone who doesn't understand how the dome was made, it's the halo 3 forge interlocking glitch. We used this to make it all tidy and have a clean playing surface for the ball to bounce on. The goal system also required it; you'll see what we mean when you download it.

    Oh and to anyone who wanted to see it, heres my bungie.net thread post: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=18994954


    Read Teams Goal

    Round Over!

    Blue Teams Goal

    *Important note*
    I think it is important to mention this to avoid any confusion...
    To clarify, i was not the first to make a soccer map/game, i was the first to make a soccer map/game with a cheat free scoring and easy to use round based system.

    Special Thanks to:
    Xll cyrax llx – Content developer and Co-Builder
    Myself (Omg iTz Blaze)- Design Engineer and Co-Builder
    Play testers: x MaRiNeZ x, Eu1 HOTSHOT, Blades of Ace, xll cyrax llx, Visual is Huge,BlazingzBro & Myself offcourse.

    Thanks for reading, Please spare a few moments to give a comment, And if you have any questions about this map or the gametype please post below and i will add the important ones to the FAQ below. If this gets enough interest we may make a second version, enjoy!

    1. Question:
    I’ve seen a scoring system before, how is this different?
    Answer: It is true other people have made maps with scoring systems, but none have been made where you have to score a goal with the soccer ball to arm the bomb or score a goal by any other means that is round based and get an actual score of 1-0 etc for scoring it.
    #1 iTz Blaze, May 19, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2008
  2. Ipody

    Ipody Ancient
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    Cool idea, nice design, ill give it a download and report back!

    (First post ftw)
  3. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    I am sorry to tell you this, but i have seen another cheat-free soccer map and game varient.

    However, yours is far superior on the variable of space, this one slants down into the large, open pit, while the other was elevated to a height to accomodate for walking across the soccer ball.
  4. iTz Blaze

    iTz Blaze Ancient
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    Oh really? cool, i'd still like to see it, could you get a link for me maybe?, also was that one round based, i.e scoring a goal would end a round?..
  5. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    great idea and i think that is a insanely smart idea with the teleporter.
  6. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    I've seen your design for not being able to score without the soccer ball being in the goal before. It was in a tennis variant though, but props to you if you haven't seen that one and you thought of this on your own. This looks pretty good, but I think players should be invincible for it to be more realistic.
  7. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Your link isnt working, and never ever ever ever post a link to your fileshare
  8. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    nice job
    i have seen this used before but it was only in some test games, not the real deal
    and i like how you set a goalie with special abilities, how is this done tho? a custom powerup to whoever picks it up? because i know VIP wont work because this is assault
  9. iTz Blaze

    iTz Blaze Ancient
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    We did play test it with invincibility on, unfortunately with invincibility on people can block the goals and prevent the round from ending, therefore we felt it best to play it with close to normal shields, we also felt that would take away the fun factor of being able to get multi kills like grifball etc, it adds more fun to the game.
  10. iTz Blaze

    iTz Blaze Ancient
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    The goalie spawns on the custom powerup
  11. Fishequaltunaew

    Fishequaltunaew Ancient
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    the link to download map doesn't work... plz fix it.. cant wait to dl
  12. Mount Killamonjaro

    Senior Member

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    This map looks like it would be great fun! Might D/L
  13. iTz Blaze

    iTz Blaze Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry guys, fixed the links and any fileshare links have been removed.
  14. texturedlemur

    texturedlemur Ancient
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    Looks really cool i will DL and i might add to the map to make it more fun and more crazy by making balls that appear during the game
  15. iTz Blaze

    iTz Blaze Ancient
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    More balls wouldn't work anyway lol :p, its a round based game :), only 1 is needed, 3 balls would be absolutely crazyness, lol the game would be all luck.. tho worth a shot to see what its like. ;D
  16. X Jado X

    X Jado X Ancient
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    I think one of the people on the first page was reffering to my map. It's in my signature if you want to see it Blaze.

    And yes, I did use your scoring idea. I wanted to give credit but I completely forgot your name.
  17. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    That's pretty neat. However, it's possible to maneuver yourself midair to not fall through the other hole. I've fallen into that problem multiple times.
  18. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    I'll dl. looks fun.
  19. iTz Blaze

    iTz Blaze Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You sure? i havn't been able to do it yet =o
  20. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    nice design, and a great idea! a definite download

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