Begin a epic battle with your gravity hammers. Played with grav a slayer gametype, also played with oddgrav, and played with kingravity. The health in all the games are normal but it is like Griffball where they die right away if you them with your hammer. Be very carefull around the pallets becuse you can still fall through even when they are on instant respond. Enjoy! Oddball Images King of the Hill Happy Downloading and Thanks For Looking! Download map here! Download oddgrav Here! Download Slayer Here! Download King Gravity Here!
Ok everything is working correctly. The map looks very fun, pretty original. You might want to add more of a description to the map/gametype. You might also want to make the map a little bigger.
i like the map and the idea. it looks fun. i like games like this but they dont have real staying power. oh yeah, usually if your map come with its own gametypes, it most likely belongs in the casual or minigame section. this one probably being casual.
is the map itself just the ramps and the pallets, hopefully you would expand it more, but i do like the challenging effect, i neever have thought about a map with pallets in the middle, nice post too
I like the idea, but it seems too cramped for a large game and not the right game for a small group. Maybe expand the outer areas of the stadium. In oddball, how do you prevent camping? Whats the respawn time on pallets?
I like the idea alot, you seemed to have pulled it off really well too so NOt FAIL job. I just wish i could see vthe player traits and stuff so i could know a head of time.
The pallets are on insta respond. They spond automatically as soon as u break them. Thanks for looking and all the great comments. I am going to make a v2 for this map. I acidentally put this post under competive but i wont make the mistake again. Gunbros.