Wallop Wars on Hammer Heights click names to download map and gametype by Lawful Chilli Hammer Heights is a map in the skybubble of Sandbox. The object of the game Wallop Wars is to bring the opponents flag the the center of the map. there is only one round lasting 8 minutes, and you need 3 flag captures to win. Your flag must be at home to score. The flag return time is instant, so once the flag carrier drops the flag you only need to touch it to bring it home. The reset time is only five seconds, so the flag carrier wants to hold onto it until he captures it. This also is necessary for when the flag drops down out of the skybubble. Now for the player traits. You have 500% damage resistance, so it'll take a couple hits from the hammer to kill. The better method of clearing your way is to knock your opponents off the map. The gravity is at 75%, so you will jump higher and fly further. You move a little bit slower than you normally would, at 90% speed. Your sheilds have a 50% slower recharge rate, but there is 25% shield vampirism. There is only one weapon on the map, a rocket launcher. Now the rocket by itself would not help much with 500% damage resistance, so i placed a custom powerup with the rockets that gives you a 300% damage multiplier for 15 seconds. The rockets have a ten second respwan (so they are on the map pretty much all the time) and the custom powerup spawns every 60 seconds. There are also 2 grav lifts, one on each outside bridge(which you will see later). Now for some pictures: an overview a look from behind a base The blue circle is the rockets and CP, the green circle is the flag capture points a closer look at the capture points here is one of the side bridges. You can a grav lift there. There is also a mancannon in that large ramp, so it will take you up to the center platform if you walk into it. Now for some action shots. Note that these were taken before I added a lot of aesthetics and other additions. another map link and gametype link Thanks to all who tested this map and gave feedback
Looks like an interesting and competative mini game, I'll have to give it a download and test it out for further feedback. As far as what i can take from your pictures the forging looks pretty solid and the layout should prove to further the enjoyment. More comments later! **Edit** The gameplay was very hectic and interesting, but when it came down to it you couldn't capture the flags. Probably gonna need to update your post with a working version.
This map looks very open and linear. Teams could see each other as soon as the match starts, which would be interesting. The only issue I can see is if one team is trapped against their wall, would they spawn somewhere else? If not, make all the spawn points and spawn areas neutral so gameplay can "rotate." Since none of my friends play Halo 3 any more, I want to see this used in a ForgeDay sooner or later. Every decent map deserves some time in the spotlight. On top of that, your aesthetic work has given me some ideas for the map I'm working on now. Looks like a good job; I need to see for myself. EDIT: Looks like I can't use any of the new ideas. I've reached the item limit. I will attempt to redo a few parts in order to free up space. Also, just because the game mode is CTF doesn't mean you can't allow the game to rotate. It would give the opposing team a small chance to stop the flag.