Well everyone knows that today Bungie stopped updating their Halo data on Bnet today. Luckily though, they took the time to give us a picture that covers some amazing Halo stats. Check out the huge image in the spoiler below. Spoiler Here is the article on Bnet.
Damn. We are awesome. Only a game like Halo can generate those figures from their community. Only a developer like Bungie would take the time to figure out all of that. We will miss you Bungie. We'll be gentle with your babies.
I don't know why the first image is so small, but here's the full image if anybody wants to see it without finding it through the link. Spoiler It's actually pretty ridiculous.
We've killed everyone that's ever been on earth. And then some. Crazy. I'll miss the Bungie Days...they really made an impact on me growing up, and I still look back on the days where me and three friends crowded into a room no bigger than a large closet huddled around a 12 inch TV and played on Foundation so we each got our own base for hours at a time...stupid fun, looking back, but fun nonetheless. It's been one helluva ride. I only hope 343 can live up to the legacy.
I think my biggest annoyance with 343 developing halo is that they are not bungie. Even if they amde a better game than bungie did, they arn't bungie. No insanely fun and long weekly updates. No more community. No more caring. Even if 343 do it it just won't be the same.
I get what you're saying...but they are literally doing all of the things that Bungie did. So technically, they kind of are... Think about it..weekly updates, monthly playlists, HUGE dedication to making their games...they have all of the same aspects that Bungie had. And some of the team are ex-Bungie employees..