Map Title: HaloEscherV2.1 Author: Roman II Download Map Description: "after making the first i became unsatisfied, and tried a different angle. i hope you find this one more enjoyable." ~Roman Meant for aesthetics and playing free for all slayer with a few friends. Influenced by the art of Escher. Roman is extremely disappointed that his map has been stolen multiple times, so check the file share dates for confirmation. Created by: Roman II Remember these maps were created by my good friend roman II. He has allowed me to post his maps due to his lack of access to a computer, all rights of the map goes to roman, i only posted the thread. Inside Overview Outside Overview Spawn Point
Seems kinda open from the pics, but I will download and check it out. It would be nicer with more pics though...
The map looks good in itself but are you sure that romans map was stolen? The cube is a masterpiece and must have taken ages too make but to add the fact that you can play in it too is a bonus. The maps that look similar to this have the same sort of design but are completely different on the interior. People probably had the same sort of idea. I'd like to see a few more pictures of the inside but for now its a 4/5 because of the design itself.