Just went to check my stats and found a very sad message. HC was a fantastic resource for really in depth stats and gave me so much more than Bungie.net ever could. Here's the message: Farewell, HaloCharts. You will be missed.
Especially since us staff at the time got lifetime pro membership for free right? It was like the only perk. :C
This :< But seriously, it sucks that he's done with the site. It was incredibly useful to thousands of Halo players, myself included. I only hope that his future endeavors do as well. Goodbye, affiliate Halo site.
I used this probably minutes before it went down, I was just using it recently, I really loved that site, and what's the reason it's gone for? He spelled his name wrong at the bottom. Oops.
I only started using it just as Reach started, I'm gonna miss those lists never gonna forget been in top 50 revenant kills/skyjacks/hijacks in the world(of HC) and seeing people I commonly played against in the top of australian leader boards, Good times. But the stats where awesome, I only used the stats and lists but wouldn't there be forums and admins/mods that he trusts he can hand the site down to or sell to? If his just canceling the site anyway there is no loss to hand over it as long as he sends out a warning message. Plus most importantly it keeps a handy service to a lot of people.