I was at the mall today, and FYE had a list of upcoming releases. They had ODST listed under JULY. thats really not far away.
Interesting. Amazon has it listed for release on October 6th. I hope your information is more informed, because that would be awesome.
Any chance they had it listed as July 7th? Because that would be the 7th day of the 7th month, something they might do for lulz, since Bungie less than 3's 7
I guess we will just have to wait to find out. I doubt it will be that early, but it's possible. That kind of stuff can't be trusted though. IGN.com stated that the Mythic maps would be available for download on March 31, and that was wrong.
me too i went to the mall esterday and went to gamestop and odst was listed for release in july to but bungie said that they would not release it until fall 09 and im pretty sure july is not fall lol but mabey we are correct and the game will be out in july not fall