It's not the stock, it's what she cropped. The way she cropped it made it difficult to identify a focal, even with the blurring. Great. Now we can go and call your signatures crap. Because they don't look good. Ice, get some guts. If you don't have what it takes to handle a crappy CnC, then what are you going to do in the real world, where Criticism is thrown at you left to right, and you can't shut their mouths? Are you going to go ahead and be emo? Even the stupid have good points. Don't go judging people just because you think they suck at signatures.
Can i say something? i dont like the clipping masks around the end of the barrel of the AR. besides that it looks great, Im sorry that i could have avoided this by just saying that. I know im not in a good position to go and cnc other peoples work with critisiscm, considering my work isnt that great, i dont know as much, and i would be glad if some people could show me how to do a good sig. Rather than ignoring me and shooting me down when i have something to say. As for Ice, i would like to apologize, but you probably cant read this post because you have probably already ignored me, no wonder i had to post my sigs multiple times in the icequiem thread, until hells reviewed them.
Speakerphone was on ? Sig is nice, I like the cliping mask and the colour scheme, The lighting is pretty nice too. The gun thing does look a bit cluttered, Its k though. Trooooooooooooooollin'