What are your WTF moments? They can be in Matchmaking, Custom Games, and maybe in even Forge. During a Big Team Sandtrap I was in the gunner seat of the warthog and one of my mislead rounds must have ignited a fusion coil which, in turn hit our warthog and exploded causing me to commit suicide and the betrayal of my driver. I was soon booted
I have a few: 1: one time,I stuck A guy with a plasma,I got a bulltrue medal,and he didnt have a sword. 2: I was driving the elephant and some guy lasered the gunner,I got a betrayal. 3n highground,i lerned about a place where grenades pass through,so I tryed it,and the grenade (which was a spike) passed through the wall,and apperantly stuck a guy and killed,but the explosion was delayed due to lag,so it killed a set of enemies and got me a triple kill.
.One time I threw a plasma , it somehow fell down some stairs and somehow randomely attatched to some kid and won the game. .Another time I was playing griffball. Everyone but me were playing in the same party. So they got me to help tie the game. It was tied 2 to 2. So everyone decided to stack on each others heads. So all 4 of the other players were stacked up. Just to be an ass I got an overkill exterm and took the ball and scored. They were pissed.
I was seeing how far I could make a radio antennae go in forge, sandtrap, and I shot the fusion coils with a sniper rifle from half the map away (around the edge, I was on one side of it, the fusion coils where on another side), and somehow it catapulted into me. I died instantaniously.
One time I was playing on high ground. almost everyone on there team except two had quit. I was driving a ghost around, and one of them came out and stuck me. right after the sticky hit, his ally quit. I ended up riding around for 3 minutes with a dormant spike grenade on my ghost. vid is in my fileshare.
i shot a lazer at a warthog, triple kill ftw. But wait.... the warthog is coming at me? Boom. iTz HUNTAR committed Suicide. ****KKKKKKKKKKK!
playin on valhalla, team snipes. i got spawn killed 3 times in a row, all headshots. i died 3 times in 5 seconds.. WTF?!?!?!?!
I was playing on sandtrap when someone drove one of the elephants over the other. don't ask me how. I got up into the top elephant, then fell through the floor. right infront of someone from the other team. i got assassinated
on the pit in team doubles, it was 24-24 and i went to asassinate a guy and he just meleed towards the wall. i died, he got an asassanation and i lost the match. wtf!
Lag? Or hax? But he did get a triple kill which is strange, because the laser can go through elephants, but not not kill the driver...