Assembly: The Covenant war machine continues its march to conquest; even with its head severed it is still dangerous. 2-8 players Citadel: In the heart of this Forerunner structure, far above the troubled surface of the Ark, another battle rages. 2-6 players Heretic: Because of its speed and luxury the Pious Inquisitor has become an irresistible prize during these dark times. 2-8 players Orbital: With a lot of situational awareness, and a little luck, hopefully the only thing you will lose is your luggage. 4-12 players Sandbox: This endless wasteland still holds many secrets. Some of them are held more deeply than others. 4-12 players Link to page It looks like it could be true, but wiki's aren't always credible.
This is the same page that has the thumbnail for the "Heretic" map as Barack Obama. It *could* still be true though... there's been a lot of leaks and reveals lately all over the place. The description for Citadel has me interested. Sounds like a great setting for a map. I hope Longshore really is a Headlong remake, not cause I particularly like the map, but just for Machinima purposes. We had so many suburban maps in Halo 2, in Halo 3 all we have are these odd sections here and there that kindamaybe resemble regular towns.
They're assuming Heretic is Midship? This is very weird. If they are real I can't imagine how they discovered these.
Nice find i have to check this out... glad to see some real hard facts nstead of pointless opinions and such i will look at this +rep for the find keep things like this coming :>:>:>:>:>:> those r smilez not frownz lol
Haha check out Heretic on the site. Wow, that's funny. Hmm but yes, that description does kinda sound like Midship, but I can't see them releasing Midship along with Assembly.
It should be the Sandbox one that catches your eye. Certainly has a feel of a forge map. The deeply hidden secret could be the skull and it being hidden deeply could be my guess about having to do things in a certain way to get it to reveal like with the IWHBYD skull.
Hmm I think Sandbox should be noted that it says "endless" Remember the acceptance video? It seemed like it went on forever.
Could you just not open the threads about the new maps and achievements? How about go ***** about all the signature threads all over the place mate, at least threads like these are on topic on a Halo Forum.
Heretic takes place on the Pious Inquisitor as well as midship? Maybe not a remake but definitely a "spiritual successor"
It sounds like a lot of assumptions. Remember that wikis can be edited by anyone and they felt like it must be true.
The only map in halo history with 1-6 players, is Chiron TL-34. Assembly is smaller then Ascension. This is assuming that all this information is true. And I'll add some more stuff to this post later.
Sandbox... hmm.. 1. Forge Map? 2. Anyone remember the update on a few weeks ago that said: A Barren Wasteland, or is it? It also showed a pic of sand dunes. I think its related, because the description here says that it is a wasteland with secrets.
I cannot believe this is the truth as you say it is. But those descriptions sound like descriptions Bungie use, so I believe it to be the truth. Part of Orbital description: "hopefully the only thing you will lose is your luggage." Part of Cold Storage description: "I hope you packed extra underwear."