Its a free quick download, it's basically bnet stats and streaming videos 1 of which being one of the anime videos. Don't forget to scan your achievements, some give you avatar rewards like odst armor and guilty spark, you need some odst achievements though.
Yeah I made a thread a week ago about this, but yes it has been released to the general public, I did get it a week ago as being part of the dashboard update preveiw program.
Same here I got it early but the Babysitter was good episode I don't think the animation was anything amazing. That spartan was huge I won't spoil anything but dam.
Yes the Spartan was a suprise throughout the entire thing. I hope there will be more compelling combat scenes than just chieftans.
Waypoint is a disappointment to me. Not to be completely negative, but almost all the videos can be viewed on a computer (which I prefer to and Xbox), and the anime series looks like crap to me. I'm just not that enthused by it. But hey, it's free and I'm not forced to use it, so I shouldn't complain.