Is anyone else Ready for Halo Wars?!?!?, Well I am, so in honor of the demo being released tomorrow i have put together this screenshot (I will have the map available after some tweaks) So without further ado HALO WARS : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Pretty good idea. Anxios ehh? I dont see the thing so good about it. Its an stratagy game. End war was good, but this looks weird. But I'll play the demo first. This looks like a nicely put together base. Good job - 9/10.
Uhh...what's that? It does not even look like a screenie. I'm pretty sure you can do better than this.
you guys it's a base from the Halo Wars thats what the picture it dedicated too. It looks quite good could use some improvement maybe if there was an army there to
I get it now. it's not bad, but i played the demo... the main structure is completely wrong, plus, it really lacks too much detail, for an obviously blank map. Nice idea, maybe if you developed it more? 3/5, for originality.
I get it, it's just not very good. No offence, good effort, but I think maybe an overhead kind of view or something. It's not terrible.