Im sure he is a threat. But once regret gets to me you will be scrambling for resources which buys me time and you still have build times for your halls, factories, and units u plan to make out of them which buys me more time. And once regret is gone u will half to walk ure troops to me which buys me more time. And in all this time i can roll out some scorpions to compinsate for my lost hogs, or upgrade marines with rpgs, or bring in hornets, or bring in a vulture(which this thread is supose to be about), etc. See where I'm coming frome???
What??? I won't need resources once he gets to you. I cleanse for 1 second. Enough to take out any tier 1 unit. If I lose Regret, I'm not about to attack you straight away. Also, if you went tier 2 when Regret's in your base, you're finished. End of. You won't have enough units to defend.
wow dude. Regret's cleansing beam is not a kill-all anti-everything super beam of godly doom. If you think the cleansing beam can kill something in a second you need to consider your sanity. I would respond to the second thing you said but i have no idea what tier is
Tier is technology level. Tier 1 is Marines, Warthogs. Tier 2 is Scorpions, Hornets. Tier 3 is Cobras, Wolverines. Tier 4 is Grizzlies, Hawks and Vultures. And yes, Regrets beam is a kill all in 1 second to anything not moving or at least makes all units one-shot.
I would really like to know what Regret you play with but my regret with blessed imo will take about 5-10 seconds (without micro)
You'd be surprised. And I'm talking about a game situation. So chances are most hogs will be slightly dmaged for whatever reason.
no not really. You are just making situations now. Regret isn't that powerful until every single upgrade for Regret is researched
Alright, I'm clearing some things up. Regret cannot kill things in 1 second. It takes 2 or 3 to kill a squad of marines and to kill one tank, it taks about 4 or 5. theres nothing wrong with making gremlins and marines in the beginning of the game. turrets aren't amazing but combined with units, they become pretty darn good. for the humans, it gets tough to pump out units if you have none and regret is attacking your base (and you don't have anything) because the units take forever to make and regret can destroy buildings you try to make. Best way to beat regret, be ready for him when he comes. not sure how much of that was relevant but oh well. If regret gets to your base and you have no units or turrets, theres a problem. upgraded arbiter kicks the **** out of regret because of his regenerating thingy.
You nailed everything perfectly. And if i played against Telard i would automatically know to get turrets and units
No, he can't kill things in 1 second but he can critically damage something with 1 seconds worth of cleansing. We're not talking about tier 2. There's nothing wrong with making Gremlins against UNSC but there is something wrong with making Marines/Grunts unless your Chieftan. Marines are the most useless unit in early game as a little micro with a Hog can kill dozens of these guys. Only possible reason you'd want to build Marines is for ODST, an Elephant rush or attacking buildings. At defending the base, sure. But that 250 is a pretty steep price that early in the game. The best way to kill Regret is if you have 3 Warthogs if he isn't upgraded. 6 if he has Blesed Imolation. Flamethorwers will just make him run and shoot you. Marines will die before they do significant damage. No ****. Irrelevant right now.
No, I'm not. I know the power of Gremlins. Their one of my most used units. Turrets, I know the power of. Very good against hog rushes. I know Marines. Very good against undefended bases and as meatshields. Useless at anything else.
And yest, I'm talking about early game. ODSTs are only good to keep a battle going on and tieing up enemy forces. The money spent on RPG Marines can be spent on Scorpians, teching up, upgrading more useful units or a new base.
Remember Telard the RPG upgrade is right after new blood. it requires one tech level and is very cheep
... Are you really going to spend 600 on 2 upgrades just to fend off Regret? With that much, you can buy 4 Hogs. More then enough to counter an unupgraded Regret. As soon as you have those Hogs, it's a micro battle. 600 is not cheap in this game. Especially in early game. Especially if Regret is making his way to your base by 60 seconds.
Not true, I've seen them be used well in a 2v2 game, it was crazy, the person sent in one hog to scout the base, then dropped a bunch of ODSTs, and of course I was building Cobras and Wolverines, and my teammate made Vultures, so the ODSTs took out the Vultures, then my Anti Air and Vehicle vehicles were taken out by the other person's Hunters that were running in when I got my Cobras and Wovlerines to help. We had to build Anti Infantry or we would lose, which we couldn't. Then again, a leader rush caught us off guard at the start, but w/e. One of my fondest memories from the game is a loss, lol.
Telard you said that any amount of worthogs couldn't take out a Blessed Imo Regret in the beginning of the u r saying that 4 worthogs can do bout we stick with our story
Actually, no. I said that 4 hogs will be more then enough to take out Regret in the first minute, using my strategy. Once he gets blessed imolation, you'll need 6 or 7. Also, I never said that Regret could take on uncountable hogs. I believe that was you changing what I said to fit whatever you were saying at the time. What I said was that as soon as your hogs stopped moving, they'll get cleansed to near death.