Halo Wars Minigame - A Map in Progess (Need some suggestions!)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by CheeseJam, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Halo Wars Minigame - A Map in Progess *Pics UPDATE*

    As I was playing Halo Wars today, it hit me. Why not combine Halo Wars and Halo 3 using Sandbox and Forge? I thought of this pretty elaborate idea and tried some things out in Forge today. I still have some flaws in the idea, and I need some suggestions. Prepare for a massive description.

    So here is the basic concept: Every player on each team (but one) spawns trapped inside separate open topped boxes on the middle layer of Sandbox (variation where lasers are blocked, making the level huge). One person, let's call them the commander, spawns in the Skybox.

    To simulate a limited amount of "money" the commander spawns with a sniper (maybe some other weapon like a laser) with only 8 shots (maybe less/more). You "spend" your shots shooting pallets holding items your trapped comrades need. For example, so your units can escape from their prisons, you can shoot a pallet that has a portable gravity lift on top. The gravity lift will fall down to an ally, and they can escape their box and fight the enemy. This is how you "build" units. Other means of exiting trapped boxes (since you can only have 4 portable gravity lifts) are: Bubble Shields to get past kill balls blocking your way, deployable shields you can place and jump on top of to escape, and plasma grenades to destroy a gravity lift pushing you away from escape. Also, the sniper/laser would respawn after a period of time to simulate getting more resources/money.

    That is just how you build your basic units though. Let's say all units start with a BR, but you want to upgrade them? You could then shoot a pallet that drops down a Rocket Launcher, a Splazer, or a Sniper. Maybe you want to help your troops defend, and you drop down some Bubble shields or Regenerator (maybe like 2 at a time). Maybe you want to drop in some real power, and you shoot a pallet hold a Guass Warthog, a Hornet, and even a Scorpion. One team could be the Covenant, and the other could be the UNSC as well, eahc having different weapons, vehicle,a nd other things. This whole dropping concept is what makes it like Halo Wars.

    Another idea, so the commander doesn't get bored, is leader powers. Let's say lasers are used to break pallets instead of sniper. Instead of, let's say making 5 units, the commander could make 4 units, and save one laser to shoot the enemies from above. Any ideas for more leader powers?

    The map itself would have pretty complex bases. I tested the dropping out, and you can get it to work fantastic, it just takes some time to get the correct positioning. The map would ideally have lots of cover. Maybe some capturable bases that give you some weapons, equipment, vehicles, or turrets? I don't want cover from above, but side to side if you get what I am saying (so the commanders can always see everything and everyone). Home bases could start with turrets as well a maybe one hog.

    I think I would want all players to have about double health than usual to make it less like Halo 3, and more like Halo Wars. Maybe speed could be increased as well as other settings. Lots of testing would have to be done to make sure everythind is balanced. So that air vehicles, ground vehicles, and ground units can all be countered. Respawns would probably be instant (spawn trapped anyway), and indicators would be on team only.

    Now I have really figured out a good way to "win". Should everyone have one life for quick matches? Or should some way be created to take out the commander of each team? I need some ideas here, there are lots of possibilities. It could also be a series of quickish rounds, then the commanders would probably switch up as well.

    There is also the problem of protecting the commanders from the players (If they get some sort of long range weapon/vehicle). Everyone could agree not to attack the commander, but we all know what happens when people say that. Maybe some sort of protection could be used? I don't really know yet... Also, there would definitely be barriers between the two commanders so they don't kill each other.

    Any more general ideas to make the minigame more balanced, fun, uncheatable, and Halo Wars like? I really appreciate any feedback and suggestions, thanks! :)

    Alright, so I am about 7 hours in, and almost halfway done. I encountered many problems and had to fix them. I am done with one base, and now that I know how to do everything, the second base should go quicker. The bases at the moment are bare bones, just in case I run out of budget (only used about 500 so far though). Here are some pics with descriptions:

    From left to right:

    -Wraith held up by a pallet. Break it, and the Wraith comes down to the base
    -Mongoose dangling on the edge, shoot it once, and it will fall down to the base.
    -Weapons that can be shot once, and they fall down. The weapons are Rockets, Brute Shot, and Sniper. They may change.
    -The tube pieces are where 5 of 7 players spawn (assuming 8 are on the team). There are blocked teleporters in each closed box.
    -The tube corners contain grav lifts on pallets that can be shot to release 2 players from the base. Shield doors prevent everyone but the commander from shooting the pallets.
    -Shoot the fusion coil, and the Hornet is pushed into the Man Cannon, and shot down.

    Overview of base (Two close tube corners for spawns, 1 turret, and 1 Hog at spawn. Bases will become slightly more complex later.) Also in this pic are the 5 teleporters blocked by pallets, with shield doors to protect them.

    Commander spawn with Custom Powerup and Sniper. He is held in place by a gravity lift and can see everything well.

    The simple base so far. Not pretty, but will hopefully improve later. It has a Hog that spawns at the back, and a turret on top.

    This shows what all my hard work has gone towards. I went up to the Commander spot and shot everything down. All the vehicles landed great (consistantly do). The weapons landed OK, but they can be easily tweaked. The Rocket bounced to a bit in front of the base, the Sniper landed on the orange ledge, and the Brute Shot landed next tot he Hornet. As long as everything is pretty close to the base, I am happy.

    So far, things are going great! I am still open to suggestions, and I hope to fiish the map soon!
    #1 CheeseJam, Apr 6, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009
  2. BIGGnelson

    BIGGnelson Ancient
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    Very elaborate give the leader a custom power up making him invincible so he doesn't need cover from people at the bottom.
    Yea and give the people tons of health to simulate the longer fights in halo wars
    #2 BIGGnelson, Apr 6, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2009
  3. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    i think you got a good idea going on.

    id just go short rounds to keep it mixed up. points for kills, etc.
  4. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    I didn't even think of that, that would save me a bunch of effort! Can you make the effects of the power up last forever, because that would be fantastic! :)

    I didn't even think of just making timed rounds and points per each kill either... The only problem with not having an overall objective is that one team could just like make one unit and get the lead, then make no more units.

    Also, I was just thinking ammo might be a problem with lots of health. Maybe I could make it unlimited for everyone except for the commander when he picks up the custom power up?
    #4 CheeseJam, Apr 6, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2009
  5. BIGGnelson

    BIGGnelson Ancient
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    The powerup would can last up to 90 seconds max but if the comander is locked in a cage where the custom powerup spawns every 90 seconds the effects will stay throughout the entire game also make this a 1 life per person thing and as the game goes on the leader gets more ammo to spawn things for his allies.
    Add my gamertag and i could see it and maybe give you an idea or something friend request me : BIGGnelson
  6. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Thanks for the ideas! I still kind of have a problem with ammo though. I need the people in combat to have lots, but the commander to have minimal. I will send you a friend request when I get further along because I really haven't done much yet, mainly ideas.
  7. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Make the powerup give him invincibility, but 0% damage. And give everyone infinite ammo.

  8. Trifslap

    Trifslap Ancient
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    Instead of using a custom power up couldn't you just make the commanders VIPs?
    EDIT: Just realized you can't control where the VIP spawns so if you can't find around it you'll have to use custom powerups :(
    #8 Trifslap, Apr 6, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2009

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    Well its gona be hard to organise this and get ur team to do what the commander wants... why not just play halo wars>?
  10. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    you should make it so that the other team has to break through the other team's base to get to the "territory" adn the territory capture is like, 30 seconds, but to get there thay have to break through the other teams infantry, and their base to get there. so it's similar to taking over their base. hmm hmm???
  11. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    That's a good idea.

    The problem with the power up is making the commander pick it up. I can make him spawn on it, but he wouldn't want to pick it back up so he could have unlimited ammo, and drop everything down to the players.

    And the players aren't ordered by the commander. The commander just simply chooses how many units, vehicles, and weapons his team recieves. He can also adjust as necessary.
    #11 CheeseJam, Apr 6, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2009
  12. Teaco27

    Teaco27 Ancient
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    My suggestions (beware long post fallows):

    1. I saw this in a infection map (sorry i forgot the name) the Zombies, or in this case Leader, would be suspended in the air by mancannons with a roof on top in order to keep the view completely un-blocked. this would also keep them in one place forcing them to pick up the Custom power up

    2. only allow the leader of a team see the base, so that the other team doesn't know what you are spawning.

    3.in order to allow them to have limited ammo, have respawn traits that last for like 30 sec. with limited ammo, then give everyone unlimited ammo. except, you could time the custom power up to spawn at this time, so the leaders wouldn't have unlimited ammo. Also, to keep leader from being killed before they get their invincibility, you could have teams taped in the base for 30 sec. by way of a timed map event. this would both save the leader, and give troops time to prepare

    4. to allow the leader to direct troops, you could have like a sentinel beam spawn by the leader, and set their damage to a low setting, but just high enough that the laser will still be effective, and then they can use the sentinel beam to direct troops. This would not necessarily have to be a sentinel beam, you could use a different weapon, but i find that the it is very easy to spot.
  13. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Great ideas man! My only worry of the Man Cannon thing is the Man Cannon itself would block the view of a section of the map from the commander.
  14. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    1.true. I think that if the commander was in a small room so to speak, he could look down on to the map through way of 4 walls interlocked. to make a rectangle to see through, and as big as possible without the player falling through, so it gives him some room to work with on the Battle field.

    2. Hey Cheesejam, i can show you my personal commander idea. And I think that to make it easier for the troops to go to different areas (once activated from commander) they would have a motion sensitive door (i know how to make em on sandbox) and then once they go through that door, they have a choose of 3 different rooms to go through. (left=vehicles, Middle=protection room [bubble shield's], and Right=equipment) These rooms would be activated from the sky. (or commander...) [the weapons are located just before the 3 rooms... unless you guys think otherwise...]

    3. Each team will have the same room options and I think the covenant vs. UNSC was a good idea. One team would have UNSC weapons and vehicles, And onother would have Covenant weapons and vehicles. I know this sound like extra work, (I'm offering to help you Cheesejam with the forging) but I think that we could also make UNSC vs. UNSC map, and also a Covenant vs. Covenant map... along with the Covenant vs. UNSC map. So it'd be a post w/ 3 maps for those UNSC lovers or haters.

    (my Gt is chung_wii [too simple eh?] for cheesejam so you can add me if you would like to discuss this) :happy:
  15. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    Ok first of all this is a GREAT idea. Here's what I'm thinking. For the things that are larger, put more pallets underneath them, so it takes more shots to let them down. Also, for upgrades, float some pallets above the commander with something more powerful on it. I'm not entirely sure how sandbox works yet but I've heard that some objects can only be moved by more powerful things. Have those objects blocking off more powerful weapons from the people on the ground so that the only way to get to them is for the commander to shoot down whatever it is thats floating above him. If I think of anything else I'll be back.
  16. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    I love this idea. You should make a gametype for it, and allow for other people to make maps for it. Like conquest and those other gametypes did.

    EDIT: You could give different weapons to the commander for leader powers. Say a sentinel beam or laser as means for support, but limit it.
    #16 cakeChart, Apr 6, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2009
  17. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    1. That sounds like a great idea as long as the hole is big enough!

    2. I don't completely understand your concept, but it sounds cool. COuld you maybe forge a quick example and send it to me, I would love the help.

    3. I was also thinking this, assuming the original works well.

    I send you a FR, but I probably won't be on much until Thursday night.

    Lefty, that is another excellent idea to balance out larger vehicles. I think your suggestion about dropping the weapons is what I alreayd had in mind, or is it different than what I explained?

    Cake, if it becomes popular enough, I will. :) My only problem with the special weapons as leader powers for the commander is that he could use the weapons to shoot more weapons, equipment, vehicles, etc. down, instead of actually shooting people with them.

    I REALLY appreciate all the input guys, thanks! :)
    #17 CheeseJam, Apr 6, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2009
  18. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    Yea I think its pretty much the same as what you had in mind but what I meant about the upgrades is have the pallet floating directly over the commander so that when he shoots it whatevers on the pallet drops down to him, and then he can use that to knock the heavier objects out of the way so the players can get to them. That might have been what you were thinking already though. But maybe make the pallets over the commander like 4 thick so that the upgrade will take most of his resources. This is hard to explain lol. If I get the maps and you need help with the actual map let me know.
  19. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Ah, I get what you are saying. The only problem is that like a tank could just push all the heavy objects out of the way, which would kind of ruin everything :(.
  20. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    Alright im going to try to draw a picture of what im thinking lol.

    - ===== - (heavy movable object is the equal signs)
    ----- ----- (wall or something)

    and then make that a container obviously, but face the opening away from the commander so that he can shoot it from behind and that will be the only way to open it if that makes sense. thats like a top view, and the commander would be where this text is. Idk if that would work though you're probably right...hmmm idk

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