I admit, I am bad at RTS's. This is my first time really playing one besides the first level in the Star Craft demo. But I understand that each unit works best against different things. Such as the wolverine is best against air units, or that the flame troopers are used against infantry. Haha, I only just discovered about the use of Right Bumper and Trigger, and stuff. That made playing the game alot easier XD I am disappointed that their is no Online Multiplayer in the demo. I would really love to face other people so I can learn more.
did you play the tutorials? i found them to give me the basic knowledge i needed, then coupled with repeat playing, i learned the rest i need to know to counter.
No, I did. Of course, it was really late and I was tired so I might have overlooked some stuff. However, I am getting better at least. Funny how a single skirmish can be so addicting. Can't wait for the full game.
i played it all night, then all today, then watched my girlfriend play the rest of the day. ive gotten rather good. lol
That's it, my friend. You verse me. March 3rd. Be there, or be square. Or we can unite forces and fight as one?
Oh yes, I call a 3 VS. 3 match on game day! I say we fight as Allies to further better ourself when the game comes out. I call the UNSC as my favorite army to play with! Don't forget when the game comes out we can also play Co-Op together. I love this game.
pretty similiar, cept i build different units. hornets, tanks and spartans are my major units. im not like super pro or anything, ive just been playing RTSs for many years.
Ok, yeah. That's what I did when I played as them and it worked okay. I pretty much did the same for Covie's, but Wraith's Banshees, and Hunters. I had about 6-10 of each.
hunters are useless to me unless fully upgraded... by the time i upgrade em, i got much more interesting units. the locusts are win.
a little bird mentioned to me that a certain mod who loves HWs is gonna start hosting HWs TGIF parties...
Can anyone tell me if it's possible for Spartans to hijack Scarabs? If so, that would be sweet, and I'm so trying it!
Cake, take over a side base, and use it to create 3 Vultures, and fully upgrade them. Then make some support Hornets, and fully upgrade a elephant. As the enemy destroys one base, just swoop in with this force. I destroyed the covenant main base in about 15-20 seconds. The elephant is to deploy troops on the spot to stop resistance as the enemy rushes back to save their base. And no, Spartans cannot jack Scarabs. Talk about 3000 supplies down the drain if they could... at least I haven't had luck.
That'd be so tight. I still need to go pre-order though. EDIT: There's an idea. I'll try it the next time I play. Thanks, you evil barber, you.