Hey everyone. I just thought this was a good look at Halo Wars coming out March 3rd or Feb 28, I dunno http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pyu1hWoKoKA
It looks kind of cartoon-y Also, I don't why a scarab is the same size as a Scorpion. That doesn't make a lot of sense.
there is no way I will be getting it... unless it gets incredible ratings and all of my friends get it... otherwise no
That's cartoony? This is cartoony. And about the scarab. It's not a combat scarab like the one in Halo 3. It's a mining Scarab that has been changed to a combat role. Why would you put any faith in reviews? With names like Ensemble, Microsoft and Halo in one game, the reviews will be... unhelpful. Personaly, I think it looks amazing.
Team Fortress Two's graphics are cartoon-y but Halo Wars definately has a cartoonish look to it. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying it looks a little different then I thought it would be. I'm still getting it, though